新视野商务英语视听说Unit 1 Job Hunting.ppt

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Unit One Job Hunting Outline for Today I: Review II: Interview - First impression - Steps - Keys to success III: Follow Up Part I Pre-interview 1. Job Openings 1. Newspaper Classified Ads 2. Online Classified Ads 3. Local Employment Resource Companies 4. Window Shopping for Help Wanted Signs 5. Networking to Find a Job Begin by thinking about these three areas: experience skills personal qualities Experience: education any professional training periods of employment – include part-time jobs and those which didn’t last very long, as well as ‘proper’ jobs other extended periods in which your life focused on a particular activity (for example, periods of foreign travel) any voluntary work you have done Skills: Which skills did I use here that I already had? Which skills did I improve on or consolidate? What new skills did I learn? Make sure that you include not only skills related to your trade or profession, but also personal skills, for example: organizing events, training staff, interviewing, giving advice, chairing meetings, making presentations, supervising, trouble-shooting, meeting the public? Personal qualities: Accurate, independent worker, adaptable, lively, Astute机敏的,精明的, logical, can work under pressure, loyal, careful, methodical, Committed专心的, Meticulous细心的,注重细节的, competent, orderly, co-operative, organized, courteous谦恭的,有礼貌的positive, decisive, practical, Dedicated热诚的,一心一意的, receptive有接受力的, 易于接受的, 敏悟的energetic, relaxed, extrovert, reliable, flexible, self-confident, friendly, self-motivated, get on well with other people, sensitive, good communicator, thorough, good sense of humor, thoughtful, good time-keeper, vigilant警惕的, 警戒的; 警醒的, hardworking work well with others, imaginative ? 3. Interview Preparation Assignment Task Requirement Each group will present your information in a less-than-5-minute PowerPoint presentation or role play to the other class members. All group members will participate and evalua


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