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* * 首字母填空 初三英语专题复习 Warming-up 1. go d_______ the street/river 2. keep the readers i_________ in the book own nterested 3. tell the d_________ between… 4. can h_______ believe… ardly 7. _______/_______ a lecture 5. know w_____ to do next hat give attend 6. c________ /m________ mistakes orrect ake Tips: 固定词组 常用结构 ifference Revision---句子的成分 3. Sally loves p______, She wants to be a painter in the future. 2. He s_______ most of his life teaching English. pent 谓语:动词或动词词组(注意时态) ainting 宾语:名,代,动名词,动词不定式、宾语从句等 1. R______ money for the poor is a meaningful thing. aising 主语:名,代,动名词,动词不定式等 4. The cake tasted so g_______ that the kids wanted to have more. ood 表语:名,形容词,动词不定式,动名词、代词等 Revision---句子的成分 7. I found it d_______ to solve the big problem. ifficult 宾补:名词、形、动词不定式(e.g. want sb to do sth) 6. L_______, he still got the first prize. uckily 状语:副词(修饰动词、动词词组、句子、形容词、副词等),状语从句 5. Snow is an u________ sight in this warm place. nusual 定语:形容词(前置和后置)、动词不定式等 Attention! Sentence structure (句子成分) Part of speech (词性) Meaning (词义) Proper form (词形) ________ , because he often makes mistakes in the test. because he seldom makes mistakes in the test. He is a careful boy because he seldom makes mistakes in the test. a c boy. He is . He is 1. 2. 3. You will be glad to live in a c___________ sitting room. 4. Jack is a c________ boy, he can solve quite difficult problems. 5. We should keep Shanghai beautiful and c________. 6. It’s too hot, can you give me something c______ to drink? 7. The supermarket makes our life c________ in our neighborhood. 8. Without a jacket, you’ll surely feel c________. 9. The water in the river was so c______ that we can see fish swimming in it. omfortable lever ool onvinent old lear lean adjectives areless Where do we need to use adjectives? 1. adj. + n. 2. link verb(连系动词) + adj. 4. make + n. + adj.(宾补) 连系动词:似乎是五感官三变化 注意级别:原级、比较级和最高级 3. indefinite


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