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带蒸发过冷器的混合工质制冷循环的理论研究 摘要:本文中提出了一种改进的带蒸发过冷器的非共沸混合工质新型制冷循环,该循环可以更好的利用非共沸制冷剂的温度滑移特性,从而改善系统性能。本文基于仿真的方法对比分析了改进的制冷循环和传统制冷循环的性能。结果表明改进循环的性能优于传统循环;在给定工况下,相比于传统制冷循环,改进制冷循环的能效比(COP)和单位容积制冷量分别提高了8.9%和12.4%。改进循环的性能会随着蒸发器其出口温度的增大而提升,随着冷凝器出口温度的增大而降低。在一定的旁通系数变化范围内,改进循环的性能随旁通系数的增加而提升。同时两个循环的性能随R290质量分数变化呈现相似的变化规律 关键词: 制冷循环;蒸发过冷器;性能提升;非共沸制冷剂 Performance analysis of a modified zeotropic mixture refrigeration cycle with evaporating subcooler Qi Chen, Jianlin Yu, Gang Yan Department of Refrigeration Cryogenic Engineering, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China Abstract:A modified vapor compression refrigeration cycle (MVRC) with an evaporating subcooler is proposed, which can make good use of the temperature glide characteristic of zeotropic mixtures and enhance the overall system performance. Energetic analysis methods are introduced to theoretically evaluate the system operating performance, and compared with the performance of the traditional vapor compression refrigeration cycle (TVRC). The results show that the MVRC yields better system performance than the TVRC. For binary mixtures, larger normal boiling point difference between the two refrigerants could lead to better COP improvement, when comparing the COPs of two cycles. Thus, the optimum binary zeotropic mixtures for MVRC are R290/R600. Under the given condition, the coefficient of performance (COP), volumetric cooling capacity of MVRC could be improved by up to an average of 8.9%, 12.4%. The system performance of MVRC increases with the rising evaporating temperature and it decreases with the rising condensation temperature. Moreover, the system performance of MVRC increases with the rising bypass coefficient of the refrigerant. The two cycles show similar variation tendency when the R290 mass fraction rises Keywords: Refrigeration cycle; Evaporating subcooler; Performance improvement; Zeotropic mixture; 0 引言 随着能源短缺和环境问题的日益突出,如今制冷技术的发展主要集中在两个方面:一方面是选择高效的制冷热力循环,获得较高的制冷系数,降低能耗;


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