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Brief Introduction of American Hairstyles and Clothing ;Hairstyles;;1. Fashion Features 2. Different periods of popular wind 3. Ultimate mix ——Some tips for you 4. Fashion Perspective 5. Fashion links ;In 30s the United States of America, people are accustomed to too observant of conventional standards. In stress in fashion, clothing. ;By the early 40s, the United States of America female youth became popular shawls hair, the ball can wear bare shoulders organdie dress. Female college students are often dressed in waist slightly exposed blouse, tie the hair band, wearing a necklace. Young men wore large lapel jacket and baggy trousers. ;After the World War Ⅱ, new clothes is rapidly arisen, soon became popular in the United States, which makes the women coming out of the smoke of war more female beauty. They quickly put on a dress, wearing a veil, feather headdress or Turkey cap on the street. ;In 50, American fashion gradually truns to casual, informal. Sweatshirt and jeans replaced the collar shirt and silk stockings. Girls can go shooping without modifying strip full hair, prudery may make people abnormal-looked.;By the age of 60 , the United States garment further in the novel, beautiful, stylish direction. Man in casual, head containing a cowboy hat, wearing cowboy boots, elegantly natural. ;Today American clothing is characterized by rapid change, style, almost every year to the emergence of new fashion, and popular soon ;Clothing matching techniques:;Paris Fashion Week ......;;For more information, please visit: 1./时尚元素网 2. /时尚魔女 3./爱尚网 4./爱搭配 5. /女性家园 And so on … ;谢谢观看!


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