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Kobe Bryant: American NBA basketball player, is now playing for the Los Angeles Lakers, the secretary shooting guard, thought to be the most powerful American basketball player. Birthday: August 23,1978 Height:2.013 meters Weight:95.3kg Magic, this is the only evaluation about him of me —— The magician 神奇,这是我对他唯一的评价 ——魔术师 This elder brother now not human, he was too severe ——Van Gundy 这哥们现在不是人类,他实在是太厉害了. ——范甘迪 Today‘s Kobe, even Jesus to prevent will have problems. —— George Karl 今天的科比,就算是耶稣来防都会有问题 ——乔治·卡尔 Crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, has no except words can be compared Bryant ——Byrd 疯狂,疯狂,疯狂,除了疯狂,已经没有词语可以比喻科比了 ——伯德 His parents named him after a kind of steak: the famous beef of Kobe, Japan, which they saw on a restaurant menu. Kobe has two sisters, Celia Bryant and Sand Jas Bryant Kobe Bryant is the youngest child and only son of his parents. 黑暗骑士Dark Knight 钉枪Staple Gun In November 1999, 21 year old Bryant met 17 year old Vanessa Laine while she was working as a background dancer on a music video. The two began dating and were engaged just six months later in May 2000 , while Laine was still a senior at Marina High School in Huntington Beach, California. 后来两个人开始约会,并于6个月后的2000年5月订了婚,当时瓦妮莎还是加利福尼亚州杭丁顿海滩市,玛利娜高中的一名高中四年级学生。 他们于2001年4月18日在加利福尼亚州的Dana Point(加州南端的一个海滨城市)举行了婚礼。但是科比的父母、两个姐姐,他的经纪人Arn Tellem,还有他的湖人队队友都没有出席婚礼。 科比的第一个女儿,名叫纳塔利亚·戴蒙特·布莱恩特,生于2003年1月19日。纳塔利亚出生的影响化解了科比与父母的隔阂。 Their second daughter, Gianna Maria-Onore Bryant, was born on May 1, 2006. Tattoo 纹身 Butterfly crown - wife Vanessa name in Latin mean butterfly(蝴蝶王冠----妻子瓦妮莎的名字在拉丁语的意思是蝴蝶) VANESSA----瓦妮莎的名字 The bible hymns 25 chapter - praise his wife(圣经赞美诗25章----赞美妻子) Tattoo 纹身 Wings -- for Bryant, right-wing left-wing for Vanessa, says they will fly wing to wing(翅膀----左翼为科比,右翼为瓦妮莎,表示两人要比翼双飞) His wrist letters -- his daughter‘s name(右手腕上的字母----他女儿的名字) NBA的2002-2003赛季、2006-2007赛季、 2008-2009赛季、 2009-2010赛季,科


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