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Unit 6 Our local area Topic 1 Is there a computer in your study? Section A 学习内容 词汇: bedroom,study,kitchen,dining room, living room,garden,bathroom,in front of , next to, upstairs, behind, under 句型:There is a kitchen on the first floor. There are two bedrooms on the second floor. Is there a study on the first floor? No, there isn’t. It’s on the second floor. Where is your father? He’s in front of the house. 学习目标: 学习There is/are 句型。 学习表示方位的短语介词。 能够简单谈论自己的家。 导学自主 1. 教师预设问题:(学生预习内容) a)写出并熟记下列名词: 花园 卧室 第二 地板 近旁 到楼上 进来 厨房 餐厅 起居室 浴室 前面 房子 在后面 门 b)写出下列短语: 在二楼 在花园 如此多 在什么的前面(内部、外部) 质疑探究 8.There be 句型表示: __________ a. There be 的结构___________ b. Be 如何使用_______________ c. 变一般疑问句 ________ 9.为什么不…? 都有哪些表达?________________________ _________________________________________________ 10.so many ,so much的用法是什么? _____________________________________________________ 11.你知道下面这些词组的意思和用法吗? a moment later ,come in,in front of ,in the front of _________________________________________________________ 测评反馈 12.用be动词填空。 1. There a pen in my hand. 2. There some juice in the glass. 3. there a study on the second floor? 4. There some books on the shelf. 5. There 61 students in our class. 6. there any apples in the kitchen? 13.单选: 1.Why not home and watch TV? A. go B. to go C. going 2. Is there a clock next to the photo? . A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, there isn’t. 3.There is a bedroom the second floor. A. on B. at C. in 4. May I have a look your pen? A. for B. after C. at Unit6 Our Local Area Topic 1 Is there a computer in your study? Section B 学习内容 1) 词汇:lamp, clock, table, key, window 2) 短语:talk about, near, under, put away, thing, dad,



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