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一个牧师询问一个不爱去教堂的人:“你为什么不到教堂来?”这人回答说:“我告诉你我什么不去,我第一次去教堂,他们就往我脸上泼水;第二次去教堂,他们就把我和一个女人绑在一起再也不能脱身。”神父回答说:“对,你下一次来,他们就会把土盖在你的身上。” 有两个中国人在吵架,其中一个生气地说:“你是不是觉得你很了不起,你还能一口把我吃了?”另外一个人回答说:“我吃不了,因为我是回民。” Structure Differences 有一天,小王对小杨说:“你是猪。”小杨说:“我是猪才怪!”于是,小王开始叫小杨“猪才怪”。终于有一天,小杨忍不住在众人面前大声宣布:“我不是猪才怪”。 “I’m loving it!” Group Preferences vs. Individual Preferences 沟通的情境 Territory 地盘 Speech accommodation 何方语言 Purpose 目的 Type of relations 关系 Relative status and power 权力和地位 Numerical balance 数量对比 Home Court Advantages The Speech Accommodation Theory similarity principle social exchange principle attribution principle The mere exposure effect What is your favor color? What is your favor name? What is your favor month? Intimacy doesn’t predict understanding Influence Two routes to influence (Petty Cacioppo, 1986) The central route – focus on contents, reasons and arguments The peripheral route – use peripheral cues, such as images, feelings and impulses. 3 Rs of Persuasions Reasons: let others realized why and how it is consistent with their values and interests. More willings, but time consuming, and goals and interests are not always consistent. Reciprocity Do something for exchange. Less resentment, easy to explain, but overt exchange, too instructmental Retaliate: Force others to do what you want them to do. Speedy, effect, direct, but prohibit individual initives, creativity, resentment, insecurity, threaten. Why reason works Consistency Self efficacy Promise How people use them to against us? low ball ,foot in the door, Why reciprocity works Social relations How people use them to against us? high-low, comprise Why Peripheral Cues Satisfying need (advertisers attempt to evoke a need and then represent their product as satisfying that need) Social and prestige suggestion (one should buy or do X because someone else does) Loaded words and images (certain buzzwords such as natural for beauty products and light for anything dietetic or “China” for home
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