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Be afraid of doing/to do aross/through across through be afraid of doing be afraid to do in/on/at表时间时:有日用on,无日用in,具体时刻用at 。手写在书上的字用on,印在书上的字用in(谐音同‘印’) 时间几点几分时:前半小时past,后半小时要用to,先分后时别搞差,o’clock在12小时内。 谐音法:说“差”用 to,(差点吐) 说“过”要用 past。(过后怕) 所属关系用 to的口诀: 钥匙答案纪念碑, 注释索引和附录。 出口入口桥与路, 参观介绍多用to。 the key to…, the answer to…, the note to…,the exit to…, the way to…, pay a visit to… 动词部分 是考查的主要内容,侧重考查的项目有:非谓语动词(动词不定式、分词、动名词)、动词的时态、被动语态、易混动词短语的区分、交际用语中情态动词及助动词的使用及固定短语等。 (2011龙东)---You’d better ______home on time. ---OK. I will. A. go B. To go C. going 答案A 考查动词 (2011大庆)Please check your paper to _______there are no mistakes. A.think of B. try out C. find out D. make sure 答案D考查动词短语及语境 (2011佳木斯)Great changes _______in our hometown in the past ten years. A.have taken place B.have been taken place C.were taken place 答案A考查动词短语的用法和时态 (take place 从不用被动) (2011大庆) These cabbages_______ well because they _____ nice. A. look, sell B. sell , are looked C. sell, look D. are sold, look 答案C考查动词作系动词的用法 (感官动词,如看上去,听上去,摸上去…及另外的卖上去,洗上去,开上去…表...上去/起来时不用被动) (2011哈尔滨) In order to speak English better, we ______be afraid of losing face. Because the most important thing is to practice. Remember, practice makes perfect. A.should B. should’t C.have to 答案B考查情态动词 (2011大庆) --- Congratulations! You ’v got the first prize in the English Contest. ---________it be true? It’s unbelievable! A.May B. Should C. Must D . Can 答案D考查情态动词 (肯定猜测用must be ;否定猜测用can’t be) (2011龙东)Mrs Wang is so kind that everyone in our class ______ her. A. like B. likes C. liked 答案 B考查动词主谓一致 (复合不定代词作主语,谓语动词用三单) (2011龙东)Most kids think ten years _____a long time. A. is B. are C. be 答案A考查动词主谓一致 (2011佳木斯) I can’t afford the car, five thousand dollars _____too much for me. A.is B. are C. be 答案A考查动词主谓一致 (时间,金钱,距离,重量作主语, 动词用单数) (2011齐齐哈尔)This is my twin sister, Lucy . Not only she but also I ____good at drawing. A. is B. am C. are 答案B考查主谓一致 主



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