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《中国旅游主要客源国概况》 主讲:李永芬 思考题: 1.List the major tourist attractions in Japan. 2. 日本旅华市场有什么特征? 第三章 亚太地区 第一节 日本(Japan) Section 1 Japan I. Basic facts (geography and topography, population, language, religion, government, economy, society, and history) II. Culture (literature and art) III. Folk customs IV. Tourist attractions 东亚的岛国,由北海道、本州、四国、九州4个大岛和4000多个小岛组成。总面积37.78万平方公里。呈弧形南北延伸,长3800公里。 Area total: 377,835 sq km slightly larger than the United Kingdom. Coastline: 29,751 km Honshu(本州),the largest island, accounts for about 60 per cent of the total area . About 80% of the Japanese people live here. Three mountain ranges run side by side across northern Honshu. Kyushu(九州), the southernmost of the main islands.? After Honshu, Kyushu is Japans most heavily populated island, with about 11% of the population. The island nation is very mountainous and still subject with startling frequency to such natural disasters as earthquake, tidal wave and volcanic eruption. The picture postcard image of Mt. Fuji, seems a particularly appropriate national symbol . Climate: varies from tropical in south to cool temperate in north, four distinct seasons. Religion Shinto (the indigenous religion of Japan )and Buddhism (often both), Christian (0.7%) The official language is Japanese (Nihongo). It is written with a combination of Chinese characters (kanji) and the Japanese syllabic scripts hiragana and katakana. Natural resources: negligible mineral resources, around 70 per cent of the area covered with forests, and 14 per cent given over to agricultural usage. the National flag of Japan a red sun on a white background (“日之丸旗”、“日章旗”) Tokyo, earlier called Edo, is the nations capital and one of the worlds largest, most populous metropolitan areas. a bustling, crowded, cosmopolitan city of over 12 million inhabitants; Tokyo Tower and Mount Fuji Government Constitutional monarchy with a par


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