任治刚《电子信息工程专业英语教程》Lesson 1 VLSI Technology.pptVIP

任治刚《电子信息工程专业英语教程》Lesson 1 VLSI Technology.ppt

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《电子信息工程专业英语教程》 Unit 1 Electronic Devices Lesson 1 VLSI Technology 《电子信息工程专业英语教程》任治刚 主编 电子工业出版社 Lesson 1 VLSI Technology Terminology Transistor vs. vacuum tube Conductivity semiconductor Miniaturization , IC, LSI, VLSI Timeline of Electronic Technology Evolution Company Information Bell Laboratories Texas Instruments Intel Corporation Terminology 真空管是一种内部气体全部或部分抽空的电子管,从而使电子在不受或少受气体分子的干扰下运动。 A transistor is a device that conducts a variable amount of electricity through it, depending on how much electricity is input to it. In other words, it is a digital switch. However, unlike the vacuum tube , it is solid state . 晶体管是一种依据输入电量大小而传导可变电量的器件。换言之,晶体管是一种数字开关。然而,和真空管不同,晶体管是“固态”的。 Solid state means that it doesnt change its physical form as it switches. There are no moving parts in a transistor. “固态”的意思是当晶体管切换状态时,它的物理形式不发生变化。晶体管中不存在可以移动的部分 。 Compared to the vacuum tube , transistors were much smaller, faster, and cheaper to manufacture. They were also far more reliable and used much less power. While most materials either insulate from electrical flow (air, glass, wood) or conduct electricity readily (metals, water), there are some that only conduct electricity a small amount, or only under certain conditions. These are called semiconductors. 大多数材料要么对电流绝缘(如空气、玻璃、木头),要么很容易传导电流(如金属、水溶液),但也有一些材料只传导少量电流,或者只在特定条件下传导电流。这些材料被称作半导体。 The most commonly used semiconductor is of course silicon. 最常用的半导体材料当然是硅了。 Miniaturization means the reduction in size of components and circuits for increasing package density and reducing power dissipation and signal propagation delays. 微型化是指减少元件和电路的几何尺寸, 从而增加封装密度、降低功耗、减少信号传播延迟。 The integrated circuit is a group of transistors manufactured from a single piece of material and connected together internally, without extra wiring . Integrated circuits are also called ICs or chips. 集成电路就是一组用单片材料制造的,内部互联的(无外部连线)晶体管。集成电路也叫IC或者芯片。 LSI:Large-scale Integration大规模集成(电路) Large-scale integration (LSI) came to refer to the creation of integ


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