TEM 8 人文知识(03版).ppt

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TEM 8 人文知识 —美国概况篇 Ⅰ. 历史大事件 1.1 独立战争(时间),黑人解放运动,美国内战,以及几位总统的贡献{样题3,(2007,2009,2010,2011,2012)真题} 1)Declaration of Independence----Thomas Jefferson, third President 2) Emancipation Proclamation----slavery plantation system of the south----Abraham Lincoln,16th President 3) The Commom Sense----Thomas Paine 4)Benjamin Franklin---- American Enlightenment, Ambassador to France,campaigning for colonial unity, Puritanism , lightning rod,Franklin stove 5)John Adams--- first vice president, second president , American Founding Father, first president to reside in White House 6)George Washington--- the first President (1789–1797), the Commander-in-Chief during the American Revolutionary War, father of his country 7)Independence Day----July 4th, 1776 8)Mexico lost California to the US. 9)Alexander Hamilton--- interpreters and promoters of the U.S. Constitution, the founder of the nation‘s financial system and the Federalist Party, Secretary of the Treasury , the states’ debts, the establishment of a national bank 10)James Madison--- fourth President (1809–17). Father of the Constitution, author of the Bill of Rights, a leader in the new House of Representatives, drafting many basic laws Ⅱ.美国国情及现状 2.1经济发展以及国与国的关系问题(样题2,4) 1)The Asian Americans lead a relatively better-off life in the US. 2)America is Canada’s leading trading partner 2.2. 政治(立法,执法机构;参,众议院;大人物选举,连任问题)(样题2,2008年真题) 1)President’s vote---the Congress have a 2/3 majority 2) United States House of Representatives -----2years United States Senate---6years 3) Federal Government--- United States Government, is composed of legislative, executive and judicial, whose powers are vested by the U.S. Constitution in the Congress, the President, and the federal courts, including the Supreme Court, respectively 4)The Supreme Court--- ultimate (and largely discretionary) appellate jurisdiction over all federal courts and over state c


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