试点本科英语2课件-unit 7-text B.ppt

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试点本科英语2课件-unit 7-text B

09/06/1620 -The Mayflower sets sail from Plymouth, England carrying the Pilgrim Fathers to America . The Pilgrim fathers sailed to the new world from England to escape religious persecution which was rife across Europe at the time. They are often credited as being the fathers of modern America. 09/06/1620 - The Mayflower (五月花号) 起航,从英格兰的 Plymouth (普利茅斯)载着清教徒前辈到达美洲。清教徒前辈从英格兰启航至新世界是为了逃离宗教迫害,在那時,宗教迫害是充斥在整個欧洲的。 他们常被认为是现代美国的祖先. back At that time, the country was in the middle of a bitter civil war.那时,美国正处在残酷的内战当中。 美国独立战争以后,随着“西进运动”, 领土扩张,资本主义迅速发展。北部各州随着工商业的发展,需要大量自由劳动力,逐步废除早在独立战争之前就有的黑奴制度,南部诸州大农庄经济居支配地位,黑奴制度根深蒂固。随着南北矛盾的不断扩大,内战在所难免。 1860年,代表北方工商业资产阶级的共和党人林肯当选总统,成为内战爆发的导火索,南部各州纷纷宣布脱离联邦政府,另立政府。1861年4月,内战爆发, 1865年4月9日内战以联邦政府的胜利而告结束,五天以后,林肯总统遇刺身亡。 back 1. Thanksgiving Day comes on the fourth Thursday in Novermeber. Every year, the president writes a letter to the people. He writes that the fourth Thursday in November will be a national holiday. All the stores, banks, schools and offices close. The people can spend Thanksgiving Day with their families. next 2. When the Pilgrims landed in 1620 near Cape Cod, Massachusetts, their first year was very hard. The winter was much colder than they were used to and many people died. Fortunately, the Indians were friendly to them. They showed them how to plant corn and helped them with fishing and trapping. next up B 3. Conditions began to improve in the spring of 1621. The Pilgrims planted a large crop and in the fall, they had a good harvest. Besides, there were a lot of wild vegetables and fruits. Fish and game were plentiful. Therefore, they were able to get enough fresh meat despite their lack of skill or experience in hunting and fishing. Their health improved with the warm weather and their better diet. next up 4. In the fall, they looked over the past year and were both regretful and thankful. Only fifty of the original one hundred passengers remained. The price in human lives and the tragedy had been grea


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