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问题三 最后,“全球化”和“现代化”的语境下,我们将如何使儒家文化与其他民族文化协调共生?并如何实现儒家文化的历史转型? In the contexts of globalization and modernization, how can we coordinate Confusion culture and other nations cultures? How can we realize the historical transformation of Confucian culture? 从周公到孔子:儒家文化的历史建构 陈炎 From Zhou Gong to Confucius: The Construction of Confucian Culture Chen Yan 孔丘(公元前551~公元前479年),字仲尼。 Kong Qiu (551~479 BC), his courtesy name was Zhongni. 孔子梦周公 Kongzi dreamed of Zhou Gong 周公继位的四大理由 Four reasons for Zhou Gong Inheriting the throne 第一,出身高贵:他以文王之子的身份继承王位,完全是可以被接受的。况且其兄武王并非长子。姬发因其兄伯邑考被商纣王所杀而得以继位,姬旦也同样有理由因其兄姬发早逝而得以继位。 Firstly, Zhou Gong was highbred. As the son of Wen Wang, to inherit the throne was acceptable. In addition, Wu Wang also had an older brother, so he was not the first son. Ji Fa, that is, Wu Wang, became the emperor due to his older brother Boyikao (伯邑考) who was killed by Chou Wang, the Emperor of Shang. Ji Dan, that is, Zhou Gong, would have the same reasons to inherit the throne from his brother Ji Fa who died early. 第二,已有先例:周朝所取代的商朝本身就存在着“兄终弟及”和“父死子继”的两种继承习惯。当时周朝初立,完全可以采取前朝的旧例。 Secondly, Shang Dynasty had already had the institutions allowing the younger brother or the son to inherit the throne from his dead older brother or father; what’s more, it was the beginning of the existence of Zhou Dynasty, and the rule for power transfer could be established afresh. 第三,功勋显赫:周公不仅辅佐武王打败了殷商,而且继武王之后捍卫了国家,有功于这个新生的王朝。 Thirdly, Zhou Gong not only helped his older brother to overthrow Shang Dynasty but also maintained the new regime, and he was in full power and able to establish himself as the new emperor substantially and politically. 第四:大权在握:武王去世时其子只有12岁,周公还政时成王也只有19岁,一个文韬武略的政治家不太可能是被一个黄口小儿逼下台的。 Fourthly, the Prince Song (诵) was only 12 years old when his father Wu Wang died, and only 19 years old when Zhou Gong returned the power to him. How could such a verdant young prince be as competent as an adept politician as Zhou Gong? 确立长子继承制的意义


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