单片机张力检测控制系统本科 毕业设计.doc

单片机张力检测控制系统本科 毕业设计.doc

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单片机张力检测控制系统本科 毕业设计

毕业设计(论文) 论文题目单片机张力检测控制系统 摘要 随着科技的发展,单片机在一些自动控制的生产系统中得到充分的应用,本课题主要研究对象是车牌膜卷冲压的张力控制,通过我们苦苦的研究,终于找到一种比较好的解决方法:通过传感器检测膜卷带转动的角度转化为电流信号I(in),将4~20mA电流信号I(in)转换为A/D转换器能接收的电压信号U(in);A/D转换器将模拟电压信号U(in)转化为单片机处理器可以读写的数字信号D0-D7,将此数字信号与给定线速度电流数字信号送给单片机处理器,用预先汇编好PID算法程序进行处理,PID算法是能自我调节增量式的自动控制系统,以及用8155扩展输入输出口芯片进行扩展成一个输入口一个输出口,两个IO口都是用2501隔离芯片进行各种输出输入信号的光电隔离。然后将得出的增量式的数字信号传送给D/A转换器,通过转换得到需要的电流信号,将电流信号通过放大器等模拟芯片转换成电压信号,再将此电压信号用XR101转换成4~20mA 的电流信号。将此模拟电流信号驱动伺服电机控制器,再驱动伺服电机,使膜卷带保持恒定的线速度。 关键词:单片机;PID控制 ABSTRACT Owning to the tremendous advancement of technology, micro-chip has increasing use in automation factory. This thesis mainly discuss some solution to the complexity in the automation process. A perfect solution is founded out at last result from our hard work .With a transformation from angle of press machine sensor to ampere signal, this ampere signal range from 4 to 20mA is transform to voltage signal which is accepted by A/D converter. And this analog voltage signal U(in) will send into A/D converter in order to convert it to digital signal D0~D7 that is been acceptable by computer. On the other hand ,we inject both an given digital ampere signal related to the thread velocity of the machine and preceding digital signal D0~D7 into the computer processor 82S95 .Thus the increasingly PID previously made by assembly langue will process the two signal and make the system stable. And using 8155 to extend the interface for increasingly numbers of input and out put for control signal .Both the input and output interfaces are lightly and electrically separated by the chip 2501.After that ,the micro-processor will output a proper digital signal into D/A converter. Then the converter will transform the signal to analogy ampere signal. After two transformations, the needed 4~20mA are available to compensate the executor of pressed machine. Key words:micro-chip;PID control 目录 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 目录 III 1 绪论 1 1.1 单片机张力检测控制的发展趋势 1 1.2 单片机张力检测控制系统的技术要求 2 1.3单片机张力检测控制系统传感器 2 2 单片机


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