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* IV. Hemispheric Differences Module 8: The Brain * A. Left Hemisphere Spoken language is one of the clearest differences between the two hemispheres. For most people, language functions are in the left hemisphere. * 1. Broca’s Area Located in the frontal lobe, usually in the left hemisphere Responsible for the muscle movements of speech Damage to this area causes problems in expressing thoughts in spoken language * PET Scan of Broca’s Area * * Broca’s Area This is the brain of “Tal” from whom Broca discovered the area for speech. Note the damage to Broca’s Area. * 2. Wernicke’s Area Located in the temporal lobe (usually on the left side) Gives us the ability to understand what is said to us * * PET Scan of Wernicke’s Area * B. Right Hemisphere Spatial skills - being able to perceive or organize things in a given space, judge distance, etc. Relationships and emotions * Right Brain: emotion, relationships, music Left Brain: language, math, reasoning * C. Plasticity The ability of the brain tissue to take on new functions Greatest in childhood Important if parts of the brain are damaged or destroyed * V. Imaging Techniques CAT Scan: X-rays taken from different angles of the brain MRI: computer generated images of soft tissue in the brain EEG: electrodes on the scalp measure waves of electrical activity in the brain PET: a visual display of brain activity based on glucose (blood sugar) * The End Any questions? * 三、亨廷顿病 是一种病变涉及纹状体、大脑皮层为主的中枢神经系统退行性变性疾病。 临床主要表现有舞蹈样不自主动作和进行性痴呆。早期的症状包括身体和四肢的不随意运动、显著的人格改变、抑郁、逐渐变得健忘。随着病情加重,说话变得急促不清,吞咽困难,步态不稳。 * 七 脑功能研究技术 一.脑电图 二.脑成像技术 1 电子计算机断层扫描(CT) 2 正电子发射型计算机断层显像(PET) 3 核磁共振(nuclear magnetic resonance, NMR) 三 人脑数字化“地图集” 四 “脑-机接口”(Brain Computer Interface,BCI) * 八 人类脑计划和神经信息学 人类脑计划的基本概念萌芽于1980年代早期的美国,主要内容在于利用计算机技术建立脑的数据库或模型。随着信息技术的日益成熟,神经科学迫切需要将实验手段与电子“能力”开发相结合。到1993年4月由美国联邦资助小组联合发布“人类脑计划”(Human Brain Project,HBP)第一个项目公告“HBP:第一期可行性研究”。从此,它得到与“人类基因组计划(HGP)”相媲美的“人类脑计划”名称。 * 神经信息学(Neuroinformatics)是研究神经系统信息的载


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