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大学英语阅读理解专项练习 Test1 Directions: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Text1 An increasing number of scientists have found that anything that gives you pleasure may be more than just fun. Pleasure and humor might help us live longer, fight off illness, and cure drug addiction. Science has generally neglected pleasure and humor to concentrate on negative things like depression and illness, said Dr. William Fry, a psychiatry professor at Stanford University Medical Center in California. But theres a growing realization of just how powerful pleasure is.   For example, research shows that smiling and laughing can actually strengthen your immune system, reduce stress and physical pain, and even help cancer patients. One research project at Loam Linda University showed these beneficial effects of laughter on the body. In the study, ten medical students were hooked up to several machines and spent an hour watching a funny videotape of a man smashing watermelons with a hammer.   Researchers were not trying to prove that smashing watermelons is a funny thing to do. They already knew that the volunteers would probably howl with laughter. What the researchers wanted to find out was how grinning, chuckling, and howling affected the volunteers as they watched the video.   The researchers were delighted to discover that small but important changes were taking place in the volunteers bloodstream as they giggled or roared with laughter. Their blood showed increased production of white blood cells (the blood cells that defend us against infection and disease). At the same time, a decrease was noticed in the levels of chemicals that stop the immune system from working properly. Studies such as this seem to show that you should laugh, chortle, and howl as much as possible! You will increase your chances of living a long, healthy life, Thats what one researcher means when he says, He who laughs, lasts.


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