英语短篇小 说赏析Chapter VI Symbolism and Allegory.ppt

英语短篇小 说赏析Chapter VI Symbolism and Allegory.ppt

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A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 【谚语】一鸟在手胜过两鸟在林。 It’s not safe to walk back alone this late at night. If you feel like, I can keep you company. 这么晚了一个人走回去不安全,你要愿意,我可以给你做个伴儿。 keep sb. company 做为某人的陪伴 这是一种对比修辞法,将通常意义相反的词语合在一起用,造成对比的修辞效果。如,a bitter sweetness(苦涩的甜蜜)。 a soundless noise 无声的噪音 Janus 罗马门神,也称双面神。 He said Paul’s mother had had a long interview with the lawyer, asking if the whole five thousand could not be advanced at once, as she was in debt. “What do you think, uncle?” said the boy. “I leave it to you, son.” “Oh, let her have it, then! We can get some more with the other,” said the boy. “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, laddie!” said Uncle Oscar. “But I’m sure to know for the Grand National; or the Lincolnshire; or else the Derby. I’m sure to know for one of them,” said Paul. So Uncle Oscar signed the agreement, and Paul’s mother touched the whole five thousand. Then something very curious happened. The voices in the house suddenly went mad, like a chorus of frogs on a spring evening. There were certain new furnishings, and Paul had a tutor. He was really going to Eton, his father’s school, in the following autumn. There were flowers in the winter, and a blossoming of the luxury Paul’s mother had been used to. And yet the voices in the house, behind the sprays of mimosa and almond blossom, and from under the piles of iridescent cushions, simply trilled and screamed in a sort of ecstasy: “There must be more money! Oh-h-h; there must be more money. Oh, now, now-w! Now-w-w—there must be more money!—more than ever! More than ever!” It frightened Paul terribly. He studied away at his Latin and Greek with his tutors. But his intense hours were spent with Bassett. The Grand National had gone by: he had not “known,” and had lost a hundred pounds. Summer was at hand. He was in agony for the Lincoln. But even for the Lincoln he didn’t “know,” and he lost fifty pounds. He became wild-eyed and strange, as if


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