Suggestions on How to Stimulate Non-English Major Sophomores’English Learning Motivation.doc

Suggestions on How to Stimulate Non-English Major Sophomores’English Learning Motivation.doc

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Suggestions on How to Stimulate Non-English Major Sophomores’English Learning Motivation

Suggestions on How to Stimulate Non-English Major Sophomores’English Learning Motivation   Abstract: Many researchers regard motivation as a very important factor for second language learners to acquire the language successfully. Motivated students will perform better than unmotivated students in language learning, therefore, they will develop the potential of second language skills better. This research studied the motivation types of 255 sophomores from Huanghuai University. A questionnaire based on the one designed by Qin Xiaoqing and Wen Qiufang was adopted. The results demonstrate that the motivation possessed by sophomores was not beneficial towards improving their English learning. In order to present a good guide to students’ English learning, the author provides several pieces of advice. Key words: English learning; motivation; non-English major; sophomores [中图分类号]H319.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1006-2831(2013)11-0104-4 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-2831.2013.04.027 The subjects in the survey are 255 second year non-English majors. They are randomly selected from Huanghuai University. A questionnaire designed by Qin Xiaoqing and Wen Qiufang (2002) was adopted. When the survey was finished at least three research results were found. One result was that a large percentage of students (61.3%) had extrinsic motivation and they lacked enthusiasm when they studied English. They didn’t have enough interest. English was regarded as an undue pressure and they didn’t like learning it deep in their hearts. Another result was the number of students with instrumental motivation was greater than that of those with integrative motivation. The sophomores with integrative motivation accounted for 52.7% and those with instrumental motivation accounted for 78.3%. Another result was some uncontrollable factors regarded as the reasons that lead to their lack of motivation towards learning English. In order to promote students? motivation several suggestions can be followed.


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