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新标准大学英语四 UNIT5

animated a. lively or active 活跃的;有活力的 e.g. 1. This question set off an animated discussion. 这个问题引起了热烈讨论。 2. It was strange to see these Prague streets, usually so animated, now completely empty and deserted. 看到通常很有生气的布拉格的街道现在变得空无一人,真是很怪。 Words Phrases high-pitched a. used of sounds and voices; high in pitch or frequency 声调高的;尖声的 e.g. 1. Dogs usually use high-pitched barks when they are separated from their owners and a lower, harsher bark when strangers approach or the doorbell rings, according to an animal behaviorist at the university. 该大学一位动物行为主义学者认为,当狗和主人分离时,通常它们的叫声会尖锐; 反之,一旦发现有陌生人接近或者门铃响起时,它们则会发出一种更低沉、更刺耳的狂吠声。 2. The words sliced through the room in a high-pitched voice and everyone stopped what they were doing. 高亢锐利的说话声划过房间的上空,每个人都停下手头的工作。 Words Phrases scandalous a. 1) sth. that is scandalous shocks you and makes you feel very angry because it seems unfair or wrong 让人震惊的;令人愤慨的 e.g. 1. She deplored his scandalous actions. 她谴责他那令人愤慨的行为。 2. Dont talk in that way, it is really scandalous. 千万别这么说,这实在太不象话了。 3. Its scandalous that you still havent been paid. 你还没有拿到工资这太不像话了。 Words Phrases 2) sth. that is scandalous is shocking because it involves immoral or dishonest behavior 可耻的,不光彩的 e.g. 1. How in the world did he ever get mixed up in this scandalous affair? 他到底是怎样卷入到这件丑闻中去的? 2. Isadora Duncan, the dancer from San Francisco, gloried in an enlightenment which others thought scandalous. 来自旧金山的舞蹈家伊莎多拉·邓肯则醉心于别人认为丢脸的启蒙活动。 Word family: scandal n. Words Phrases unemotional a. 1) not showing any feelings 不动感情的 e.g. Susan married a man who appeared to be unemotional and self-possessed but who turned out to have a soft centre. 苏珊嫁给了一个看起来冷漠有自制力的男人,可没想到他原来是一个软心肠呢。 2) reasoned and?objective, involving reason or intellect rather than feelings 冷静的,理性的 e.g. Id like to get your unemotional opin


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