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Journal of Image and Signal Processing 图像与信号处理, 2017, 6(2), 78-88 Published Online April 2017 in Hans. /journal/jisp /10.12677/jisp.2017.62010 A Method of Image Dehazing Using Atmospheric Scattering Model Lichun Duan, Chao Liu, Wei Zhong, Liqing Chen, Murong Jiang* Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Information Science and Engineering, Yunnan University, Kunming Yunan th th th Received: Mar. 25 , 2017; accepted: Apr. 8 , 2017; published: Apr. 11 , 2017 Abstract In view of the problem that the image under foggy days is not clear, the atmospheric scattering mod- el is used to process the image dehazing. First, the Curvelet transform extracts the image edge and calculates the vanishing point on the basis of the intersection of straight line edges. Then it calcu- lates the depth of field value according to the vanishing point. The radiation coefficient of incident light in the foggy image is obtained, which means that the real color value of the image is obtained and the image dehazing is finished. When calculating the depth of field value, it respectively calcu- lates the depth of field value of every foggy image’s pixel at the same time, which solves the partial area color distortion problem that is caused by using single depth of field, and makes the processed image look more natural. Finally, the validity of the method is verified by experiments. Keywords Image Dehazing, Atmospheric Scattering Model, Vanishing Point, Depth of Field 一种利用大气散射模型实现图像去雾的方法 段立春,刘 超,钟 玮,陈丽清,蒋慕蓉* 云南大学,信息学院计算机科学与工程系,云南 昆明 收稿日期:2017年3月25 日;录用日期:2017年4月8 日;发布日期:2017年4月11 日 摘 要 针对雾天图像清晰度不高的问题,我们采用大气散射模型进行图像去雾处理,利用Curvelet变换提取图 *通讯作者。 文章引用: 段立春, 刘超, 钟玮, 陈丽清, 蒋慕蓉. 一种利用大气散射模型实现图像去雾的方法[J].



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