广州版七年级英语上册unit5-7 短语与固定搭配汇总.doc

广州版七年级英语上册unit5-7 短语与固定搭配汇总.doc

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广州版七年级英语上册unit5-7 短语与固定搭配汇总

广州版七年级英语上册unit5--7 短语与固定搭配汇总 Unit5 learn about得知 1.Where did you learn about the news? 1.你从那儿得知这个消息。 be famous for 因……而闻名 2.She is famous for her books. 2.他因写书而闻名。 at the same time同时 3.He works in a factory. At the same time , 3.他在一家工厂上班。同时,她还在一家餐馆做兼 he has part-time job in a restaurant. 职。 in one’s life在某人的一生中, 在某人的生命里头 4.She saved many people in her life. 4.她一生中左拯救救了无数的人。 all one’s life 用一生的时间(做某事) 5.The old man lived in the countryside all 5.这位老人一生都住在农村。 his life. work out理解,想出,弄清楚 6.How can we work out this problem? 6.我们怎么才能解开这个问题? figure out理解,想出,弄清楚 7.We must figure out how to do it. 7.我们必须弄清楚要怎么做。 be full of 充满,相当于be filled with 8.The house is full of people. 8.屋里挤满了人。 according to 根据 9.According to many engineers ,computers 9.根据许多工程师说法,电脑恼会越来越小。 can be smaller and smaller. because of 因为:由于, 是短语介词,后接名词或代词 10.I came late because of a traffic accident. 10.因为一场交通事故,我来晚了。 because是连词,后接从句 11.I came late because a traffic accident 11.因为发生了一场交通事故,我来晚了 happened It’s +adj. +to do sth. +=To do sth. is +daj. 12.It is important to learn English well. = To learn English well is important. 12.学好英语很重要。 neither……nor……既不…..从不……。连接两个并列结构。 13.He can neither see nor hear. 13.他既看不见也听不见。 neither nor 连接并列主语,谓语动词与最接近的主语保持一致 14.Neither you nor I am right. 14.你和我都不对 15.Neither your brother nor you work as an 15.你哥哥和你都不是工程师。 engineer. find…interesting 认为……很有趣 16.The little girl found swimming very 16.小女孩觉得有用很有趣。 interesting. all right 确定 17She’s ill all right. 17.她确实有病。 all right 安全的;健康的 18.Are you all right. 18.你好吗?(你没事吧?) 19.Is it all right with you? 19.这对你方便吗? _Can I go with you? 我能跟你去吗? _All right. 好的。 blow away 吹走 20.Can the typhoon blow away big trees? 20.台风能把大树吹走吗? at work 在工作 21.He is at work. 21.他在工作。 many a week 数周 22.It didn’t rain for many a week. 22.好几个星期都没下雨了。 right not 马上 23.You’d better leave right now. 23.你最好马上离开。 live on 以……为生 24.The Chinese live on rice.


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