Arthur Roy Brown罗伊布朗.docx

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Arthur Roy Brown罗伊布朗

Arthur Roy BrownWorld War I Fighter AceHistory 11Shaun.W2014/12/26Arthur Roy Brown is the World War I Fighter Ace in Canada air force. He shot down the really famous Germany fighter ace Manfred von Richthofen which is the biggest trump fighter in Germany. And he got the Awarded the Distinguished Service CrossArthur Roy Brown?was born in?Carlton in December 23, 1893,?30?miles west of Ottawa?in Ontario. His father had a Flour factory and electric power company in the town. They lived very well. In this family have five children, home of?Howard, Margaret,?Bessie,?Horace and Roy. Roy really loves sports, especially hockey. His hockey skill was good enough to join in a Professional hockey team. But his father doesn’t want him to do that especially as he?had been injured,?from hockey. In high school, he did very well, his father want Roy do the biasness like him for the family business, he moved to a business school?occupies a position?of accounting research. After the course, he wants to continue learn the business, but he needs?high school matriculation, he doesn’t had that, His uncle and?aunt Blanche?in Edmonton?invited him to?attend high school?in Western Vitoria and?1913-1915. Brown enlisted in 1915 as an officer cadet officer training. He joined the royal naval air force pilot training, graduate on November 24, 1915. As s young outgoing and knowledgeable adult, in 1915, The British army air corps and the royal naval aviation recruitment of young people in Canada have the capability of the flight. Roy really loves the flight skills, he join in that. For the classes of the flight are really expensive. Flying lessons every 240 minutes to about $250, plus the cost of living is about $600; luckily, his family is rich and can afford that. Finally at He got a pilot certificate on November 13, 1915(ACA Certificate number 361) after only 6 hours in the air with an instructor. After learning, he and his four friends joined the RNAS in Canada and found that the naval flying se


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