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E10-M4463D-SMA Wireless module Description: E10-M4463D-SMA is a middle power 433MHz frequency wireless transceiver module. It has features of high performance, long distance and high air rate. It adopts original SI4463-B1B or SI4438-B1C chip, which is industrial. Specification: NO. Parameter Name Parameter Details 1 Module size 16.6 * 24.1 mm 2 source all imported,origin : United States, Japan 3 Production machine stickers 4 Interface 1.27mm SMD type, you can use the universal plate and DuPont line 5 Supply Voltage 1.8V-3.6VDC 6 communication level 0.7VDD-3.6VDC,VDD is modules’voltage 7 measured distance 2100m@1K,condition:city,in open area,30℃,cloudy 8 Maximum Power 20dBm,about 100mW 9 air rate 0.123K - 1MBPS (adjustment via software) 10 shutdown current About 30nA,test conditions:PD mode,SDN=1 11 Power Level -20 - +20dBmadjustable 12 Transmission current maximum peak is 80mA 13 Receiving current 10MA,condition:3.0VDC power supply 14 Antenna type 433M spring antenna/SMA built-in (_optional) 15 interface Standard. (SPI)0,maximum 10Mbps air rate 16 Transmission length Single data 1-64 bytes , supports dynamic length 17 Receiving length Single data 1-64 bytes , supports dynamic length 18 RSSI support 19 Receiving sensitivity -121dBm 20 Working temperature -30 - +85℃ 21 Working humidity 90% relative humidity 22 Storage temperature -40 - +125℃ 23 Working frequency 425MHz - 525MHz,software adjustable(module oscillator is 30MHz) Application: This module can be widely applied in high-speed wireless data transmission, remote acquisition, security alarm, power monitoring, intelligent household, robots, model aircraft , lighting control, intelligent buildings, medical equipment, wireless audio, VOIP applications, high-end toys, intelligent sports equipment, wireless sensor networks. Pin: Pin Definition: pin Input/output Description GND ground SDN pin,open in low level, GPIO3 output Module data putput pin GPIO2 output Module


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