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Stock Market Seminar 成为⼀个成功的交易者 Warren Mak (沃仁 ·麦) The Securities Commission established under the Securities Commission Act 1993 (“Commission”) reserve all proprietary rights to the contents of this Presentation. No part of this Presentation may be used or reproduced in any form without the Commission’s prior written permission. This Presentation is provided for information purposes only. Neither the Commission nor the Presenter make any warranty, express or implied, nor assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or currency of the contents of this Presentation. It is your responsibility to verify any information before using or relying on it. The Speaker •  Mr. Warren Mak Chin Kow Vice President, Investor Education, Securities Market, Bursa Malaysia •  9 years experience as a bank treasury dealer and a total of over 23 years of experience in banking, securities and derivatives markets •  Joined Bursa Malaysia Berhad in 2002 •  Qualification: •  Master of Science, Finance, RMIT University, Australia (2007) •  B.S. in Business Administration, California State University, Fresno (1993) •  Certified Financial Planner (CFP), (2015) •  Certified Financial Risk Manager (FRM), (2003) •  The Malaysia Futures and Option Registered Representative (MFORR), (1995) Investment Culture – Hot Tips 投资文化 - 熱⾨股提⽰ 4 如何在投资和投机中创造财富


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