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Unit Four Society Education -1 科教文卫专有名词 听下面的句子,将句子序号和句中出现的专有名词用线连起来。 No. 1 Facebook No. 2 UNESCO No. 3 UN children’s agency UNICEF No. 4 The international Committee of the Red Cross No. 5 NASA No. 6 The UN Environment Programme No. 7 The journal Science No. 8 The Nobel Prize No. 9 World Health Organisation No. 10 CERN 2. A Dream Delayed again Words and phrases 1. Illegal adj. 不合法地 2. Immigration n. 移民入境 3. Pay a fee 交费 4. Prepare for 准备 5. Naturalization n. 入国籍 6. Estimate v. 估计 7. Undocumented adj. 无正式文件的 8. Expulsion n. 驱逐 9. Military adj. 军事(用)的 1.Legal immigrants who want to become citizens must learn English and show a ____ of American history and government. 2.In return, they would have to show “good ___ character” and graduate from high school.(moral) 3.They must also pay a ____ and meet other requirements. A. feet B. fee C. feed 4.The united sates has an _____ eleven million illegal immigrants. A. accurate B. estimated C. Calculated 3. Survey: Americans support amnesty for some illegal aliens Words and phrases 1. permanent adj. 永久的, 持久的 2. janitor n. 看门人 3. overstay v. 逗留过久, 停留超过(时间) 4. visa n. 签证 vt. 签准 5. undocumented adj. 无正式文件的, 无事实证明的 6. survey n. 测量, 调查 vt.调查(收入,民意等) 测量 7. pollster n. 民意测验专家, 整理民意测验结果的人 8. eligible adj. 符合条件的, 合格的 9. amnesty n. (尤指对反政府政治犯的)特赦 10. criminal n. 罪犯, 犯罪者adj.犯罪的, 犯法的, 罪恶的 11. suburban adj. 郊外的, 偏远的 12. deportation n. 移送, 充军, 放逐 13. exploitable adj. 可开发的,可利用的,可剥削的 14. grant vt. 同意, 准予, 承认(某事为真)~ Spots dictation ? A new survey suggests most Americans support allowing a limited number of illegal ______ to become permanent U.S. residents. Groups supporting such legalization say it is the right thing to do, while opponents say it rewards lawbreakers. ?Richard Cebenko works as a janitor at a Chicago-area universit



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