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The Wilderness HunterWhat is. When my friend asked me this is a movie, I thought for a moment, found that can not be easily classified, said the next person the wilderness Hunter feedback. I always feel that the true human nature can be classified, only one word can describe really, like impressionist painting, at first sight it is false, but in fact and the sun playing game this thing on, only the Impressionist to capture the true. 有时候总觉得人说话行事,很像电视或者电影里面的演出的一样,会感叹视像世界真实地反映了我们的现实生活,反思一下,其实也不知道是不是我们在模仿我们看到别人的行为别人的语言。will sigh visual world truly reflects the reality of our lives, to reflect, in fact, do not know, we are not to imitate the language of someone elses behavior we see. 电影的行文甚至让我想到了庄子文章行文的闲散,貌似没有中心思想,也没有主要内容,想到哪说到哪,枝枝蔓蔓,漫无边际。但其实庄子的文章的神最是集中。Film of the even let me think of Zhuangzis essay idle, there seems to be no central idea, there is no main content, thought which said that what, Zhizhi Manman, boundless. But in fact, Chuang-tzus article is the most concentrated. 在晴,雨,晴,雪,晴,雨夹雪的天气变换中,我们跟着男主一起一天一天的步履维艰,在一部貌似美国西部保育片加荒野求生指南的浓墨重彩的大框架下,故事就在人类心理状态,人与人的关系,还有当时历史背景一块扭曲地交织中,铺开了一片云锦。On a sunny and rain, sunny, snow, sunny, sleet weather transformation, we follow the men together one day a day of struggling, in under a seemingly American Western conservation and wilderness survival guide Mo Chongcai framework, the story in human psychology, people, and at the time the historical background a twisted intertwined in, spread the brocade. 喜欢这样的片子,让你自己找自己;他没有直接告诉我们男主是怎样一个坚强的汉子,却让男主与大灰熊抗争,自然的力量多大啊,尽管被大灰熊撕扯到支离破碎,只要有一口气,他就会抗争到底;在印第安的凶残和白人种族的尔虞我诈中,有人会沉沦为一个见利忘义的残暴凶狠的像电影的反派Tom Hardy那样的人,记得影片认真滴让Tom Hardy描述了他的头皮是如果被印第安人割开的历程,完全第一人称口述的经历,这样的“洗礼”,很难让一个人的人性保持基本的平衡,当人性克制的那一部分丢失的时候,剩下的就是残暴的癫狂。虽然男主也有过丧妻灭族的经历,但是至少他没有被残忍生命历程带沟里,他仍然能分清楚是非与善恶。Love this film, let you find yourself; he did not directly tell us how the male is a strong man, but let the male and the grizzly bear fight, much of the forces of nature, despite being a grizzly bear tear to be reduced to fragments,


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