2006 Text 2 杨扬 201424032.doc

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2006 Text 2 杨扬 201424032

2006 Text 2 杨扬201424032 语法点和生词注解 原文 译文 1a埃文河畔斯特拉特福(英国英格兰中部沃里克郡西南部地区,莎士比亚故乡,亦作 Stratford-upon-Avon 1badv.明显地,无疑地. 1cadj.怀有敌意的;敌对的 21 非限制性定语从句 32定语从句 3a靠…….生活 3b小屋,村舍 4a当地居民 41宾语从句 4b收益,税收收入 5a坦白地;? 直率地(说),坦诚地;? 真诚地;? 平心而论. 5b凉鞋,草带鞋;[植]檀香木 ;使穿上凉鞋 6a具有讽刺意味的;? 用反语的;? 冷嘲的;? 令人啼笑皆非的 61时间状语从句 62 宾语从句 63非限制性定语从句 6b赖以为生 6c也是一样 81定语从句 8a参观 8b在一旁,不远处 8c为……感到惊讶 9a n.爱看戏的人,常看戏的人 9b完成 9c在……同时 9d n. 看戏 101非限制性定语从句 10a带来 102原因状语从句 10b注入;? 倾注;? 不断地[大量地]流进[涌进];? 灌注;消费 11a夜幕降临之前 12a这样看,这样认为。 12b地方议政厅 12c为……提供 12d补贴 14a然而 14b侧厅 14c鸡尾酒 14d休息室 15a 等等. 161宾语从句 17a上座率 17b持续;连续 191表语从句 19avi.飞快移动;持续上升 20a令人惋惜的事;令人遗憾的事 201原因状语从句 20b赶跑 202定语从句 20b值得拥有(或做)的 20c客户 21a瘦的 21b尖的 21c热诚的;热忱的 21d圆面包 21e睡在 21f过夜 21g石板 21h站席 21i专门提供给 21j售票口 1aStratford-on-Avon, as we all know, has only one industry -- William Shakespeare -- but there are two bdistinctly separate and increasingly chostile branches. 2There is the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC), 1which presents superb productions of the plays at the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre on the Avon. 3And there are the townsfolk 2who largely alive off the tourists 3who come, not to see the plays, but to look at Anne Hathaway’s bCottage, Shakespeare’s birthplace and the other sights. 4The worthy aresidents of Stratford doubt 1that the theatre adds a penny to their brevenue. 5They afrankly dislike the RSC’s actors, them with their long hair and beards and bsandals and noisiness. 6It’s all deliciously aironic 1when you consider 2that Shakespeare, 3who bearns their living, was himself an actor (with a beard) and cdid his share of noise-making. 7The tourist streams are not entirely separate. 8The sightseers 1who come by bus -- and often atake in Warwick Castle and Blenheim Palace bon the side -- don’t usually see the plays, and some of them care even surprised to find a theatre in Stratford. 9However, the aplaygoers do bmanage a little sight-seeing calong with their dplaygoing.10 It is the playgoers, the RSC contends, 1who abring in much of the to


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