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4、Danish n. 丹麦人(国籍);丹麦语 adj. 丹麦的 Demark n. 丹麦(国名) We are Danish. My friend is Danish. My friends are Danish. I am from Demark. I come from Demark. 用表示国籍的形容词填空。 My friends aren’t _______(丹麦人) or _______(瑞典人). They are ________(挪威人). The students are ______(韩国人)and ________(丹麦人). The tourist are ________(英国人), _______(美国人) and ________(德国人). The girls are __________(日本人) and the boys are __________(中国人). The man is _________(法国人) and his wife is ________(意大利人). 重点语法:可数名词的复数 可数名词单数变复数的规则: 1、普通的名词后边直接加 s a book two books an officer officers a tourist tourists a friend friends 2、以辅音字母加 y 结尾的单词要把 y 变 i 加 es a baby babies a fly flies a country countries 3、以 -ch -sh -x -s -z 结尾的单词要加 a bus buses a dress dresses a box boxes a fox foxes a fish fishes a wish wishes a watch watches a match matches 任务二:课文中的要点 Are you Swedish? (you作为单数的“你”理解时) 肯定回答:Yes, I am. 否定回答:No, I’m not. Are you Swedish? (you作为复数的“你们”理解时) 肯定回答:Yes, we are. 否定回答:No, we aren’t. (= are not.) 任务二:课文中的要点 Is your friend Danish, too? (单数的句子) 肯定回答:Yes, he is. 否定回答:No, he isn’t. Are your friends Danish, too? (复数的句子) 肯定回答:Yes, they are. 否定回答:No, they aren’t. 单数句子和复数句子之间的转换 Is your friend Danish, too? (单数) Are your friends Danish, too?(复数) Yes, he is. (单数) Yes, they are. (复数) 课文中的重点句型 还记得怎么说“这是你的箱子吗?” Is this your case? 这是一个单数的句子。那怎么把它变成相对应的复数形式的句子呢? 我们可以采用一一对应的方法。 课文中的重点句型 Is this your case? (单数形式) Are these your cases?(复数形式) Yes, it is. (单数形式) Yes, they are. (复数形式) 课文中的重点句型 Are these your cases? 肯定回答:Yes, they are. 否定回答:No, they aren’t. = No, they are not. 任务三:看图说话 your car? (yes) Is this your car? Yes, it is. 看图说话 your blouse? (no) Is this your blouse? No, it isn’t. 看图说话 your dog? (yes) Is this your dog? Yes, it is. 看图说话 your hat? (no) Is this your hat? No, it isn’t. 看图说话 your desk? (ye


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