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摘 要 随着网络技术的迅速发展,网上交易、电子购物已经越来越被人们所接受,个人网上银行应孕而生,它以交易不受时间和空间的限制、可以随时随地处理用户的请求、用户可以通过简单的操作得到相应的服务、看到结果更加直观等特点受到了广大客户和银行的青睐。网上银行的出现大大提高了银行的业务效率,更加方便了客户。 本系统主要实现了以下功能:储蓄用户通过开通注册网上银行可以查看余额、取款、转帐、修改密码等操作;银行工作人员使用此系统可以查看用户信息、查看交易信息、给用户存款、冻结账户等操作,简单的实现了金融服务的网络化。使用的是MySQL数据库,采用B/S架构,采用MVC设计模式,使用的主要技术有:JSP、servlet、javabean、javascript、HTML、过滤器等,通过JDBC连接数据库,对数据库的操作封装在DAO层,数据库的表的字段封装在javabean中。 网上电子银行系统具有操作简单、高效率优点,没有地域限制,JSP MySQL servlet 网上银行 Abstract With the rapid development of technology in the field of internet, online trading and electronic shopping are being accepted by increasing number of people, thus Personal Internet banking emerges as the times require. Personal Internet Banking are popular with wholesale customers and banks due to its character like unlimited on time and space, processing users requirement at anytime and anywhere, easy operation to get necessary services and the direct consequence. The emergence of cyber banks has improved the efficiency of banks a lot, moreover, provided great convenience for the customers. This system can mainly achieve the following functions: saving users can check the balance, withdraw deposit, transfer accounts, change password and some other operations through setting up and resisting cyber banks; bank staff use this system to view a users information, view trading information, Deposit allowance for users, frozen account and etc. It achieves the financial service online simply. The database used in this system is MySQL. The main technique utilized are JSP, servlet, javabean, javascript, HTML, filter and etc. JDBC help connect to the database. The operations to database are packaged in DAO layer, and the column of databases table is packaged in javabean. The whole system is designed in MVC model. Personal internet banking has so many advantages including simple operation, high-level efficiency and safety. Without the limited in space, which can satisfy necessary of customers whenever, and is an essential electric


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