品质管理培训 品管工具介绍 品质管理品管7工具培训教材PPT.pptx

品质管理培训 品管工具介绍 品质管理品管7工具培训教材PPT.pptx

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品质管理培训 品管工具介绍 品质管理品管7工具培训教材PPT

TQM – The 7 Tools全面质量管理-七大工具;What are the 7 Basic Tools? 什么是品管七大工具;Pareto Diagram 柏拉图;Using Pareto Diagrams 柏拉图的作用;;Pareto Diagram Construction Steps 如何建立柏拉图;Rules for Pareto Charts 柏拉图准则;Rules for Pareto Charts 柏拉图准则;;Fishbone or cause effect diagram 鱼骨图/因果分析图 Shows relationships of causes, grouped into categories 反映因果关系 Useful in brainstorming 在头脑风暴中有效 Used to establish or document common understanding of relationships 对于共同观点建立或者证明 ;Ishikawa Diagram石川图;;Identify the problem 明确问题 Brainstorm a list of causes of the problem 进行头脑风暴列出问题产生的原因 Define the major categories 定义主要的问题种类 Draw the diagram by placing brainstormed causes under appropriate categories 制作石川图,将头脑风暴列出的原因放置在正确的类别下方 Identify specific minor causes---Ask the 5 Whys 确定次要原因-使用5个“为什么” Identify the most likely root cause 确定主要导致的原因;Draw the chart from left to right 从左至右作图 State the effect clearly in a box at the right 将结果明确地陈述在右边 Lines should flow toward the effect and touch with arrowheads 中间的直线必须指向结果,并且有箭头指示;Little bones represent sub-causes and should reflect a chain of logic leading from step to step 小的鱼骨表示子级原因,反映一层层的逻辑推理 Cloud the last element in the chain that has been identified as the root cause 把最后确认为根本原因的用云雾标明 Be sure to walk through the logic of your diagram 必须检查图表的逻辑性;Ishikawa Diagrams - Checking Logic 石川图-逻辑检查;What is it?是什么? A form used to collect data 一种用于搜集数据的表单 Minimizes errors 最小化犯错几率 Eases collection/systematizes process 易于搜集/流程系统化 When is it used?何时使用? When looking for patterns 需要找出特性时 When doing investigations 需要做调查时;IIII;Determine what needs to be collected 确定需要搜集什么 Design a form that will easily collect the information 设计一种能简单搜集信息的形式 Conduct a trial/practice run 进行表单试运行 Modify until it enables collection of data required 更改表单直到可以搜集到所有数据 Implement the check sheet 执行检查表 Regularly audit and revise 定期审核修改;Clearly indicate who collected the data and where, when and how it was collected 明确定义搜集数据的人员,地点,时间以及如何搜集 If sample, indicate the total population 如果是采样,指明样本总


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