加拿大米瓜莎Miguasha国家公园英文介绍 .ppt

加拿大米瓜莎Miguasha国家公园英文介绍 .ppt

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History : The fossil site was first discovered in 1842, by Abraham Gesner (1797–1864), a geologist and medical doctor, and a pioneer in the petroleum industry. Gesner found a vast array of important fossils, which were handed over to the British Museum and the Royal Scottish Museum; these discoveries caused great excitement throughout the world. * Miguasha National Park Translation 0901 Vickey Steven Tracy Content : Where is it What is there history There was a rumour in the 1970s that some Americans were seeking to purchase the land containing the fossil deposits. In 1985 the Québec government blocked this possible privatization by purchasing a large tract of the land and declaring it a provincial (called national in Québec) park. The peripheral area is owned by ~100 people who limit development, protecting this important site. To date, over 5000 fossils from this one site have been identified and categorized. It was declared a World Heritage Site in 1999. Sources: The picture is from: .hk/images?hl=zh-CNnewwindow=1safe=strictgbv=2tbs=isch%3A1sa=1q=Miguashaaq=faqi=aql=oq=gs_rfai= The history is from: /wiki/Miguasha_National_Park#History Steven Translation 0901 Picture 1 Migusha Park Picture 2 Picture 3 Localization N48 6 18 W66 21 11 The paleontological site of Miguasha National Park, in south-eastern Quebec on the southern coast of the Gaspé peninsula Sources ( Picture 1, /immigration/canada_main01.htm ) ( Picture 2 and Picture 3, /en/list/686/multiple=1unique_number=812 ) ( Localization, /en/list/686/ ) Content : Where is it What is there history Physical features The Park essentially comprises a coastal cliff within the Escuminac Formation. This Formation extends for a distance of 8 kilometers (km) along the north shore of the Ristigouche River and 1km width. The Formation has a maximal height of 100 m, an underground component extending from 300 to 600 meters below the surface, and is represented by four distinct outcrops. The most important


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