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劳动合同毕业论文外文翻译:国家劳动法简介 National Labour Law Profile:Australia University of Melbourne,Victoria,Australia and Jane Hodges Overview In 1904, the Federal Parliament enacted the?Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1904?Cth.?This Act, which established a Court of Conciliation and Arbitration, was primarily concerned with preventing and settling interstate industrial disputes through conciliation and arbitration, pursuant to s 5135 of the?Commonwealth ConstitutionThrough the processes of conciliation and arbitration, the Court also came to set wage rates and terms and conditions of employment across industries through the application of “awards” ? arbitrated orders of the Court of Conciliation and Arbitration.?Over the last century, this Act was renamed several times, extensively amended and its scope enlarged, particularly by the?Industrial Relations Act 1988?Cth and the?Industrial Relations Reform Act 1993Cth. The primary statute regulating labour in Australia is now the?Workplace Relations Act 1996?Cth, which has succeeded the above-mentioned Acts.?The stated principal object of the?Workplace Relations Act?is “to provide a framework for cooperative workplace relations which promotes the economic prosperity and welfare of the people of Australia” s 3.?The Act establishes the Australian Industrial Relations Commission AIRC, provides machinery for the prevention and settlement of industrial disputes, sets out minimum entitlements of employees, allows for the negotiation and enforcement of collective and individual employment agreements and extensively regulates the activities of trade unions and employer organisations.?The Act also protects the freedom of workers and employers to associate in trade unions and employer organisations.?In addition, the Commonwealth has passed further legislation regulating the public service see, eg, the?Public Service Act1999?Cth and prohibiting secondary boycotts see the?Trade Practices Act 1974?Cth ss 45D?45EA.?The present conservative-le


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