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C++ effective心得
1.Operator overloading
一般的:? c c::operator=(const c){。。。。return *this;};?? --------格式? 运算符的重载?? w = x = y = z = hello;//可以返回引用,效率高?? a+b+c+d???? //必须返回类,而不是返回引用?? c c::operator=(const c ){ 。。。。。。return *this;};???Operators that can be overloaded(可以重载的操作符)+, -, *, /, %, ^, , +=,-=,*=,/=, (), [], , ==,=,-,++,--, -*, … new, delete
Operators that can not be overloaded()不可以重载的操作符., ::, ?:, .*//Notes for ++, -- operator区别:?T operator ++() //prefix ++a?T operator++(int) //postfix a++
一般情况下几乎总要遵循operator = 输入和返回的都是类对象的引用的原则.必须返回一个对象时不要试图返回一个引用,当需要在返回引用和返回对象间做决定时,你的职责是选择可以完成正确功能的那个至于怎么让这个选择所产生的代价尽可能的小,那是编译器的生产商去想的事。
2.const成员函数不被允许修改它所在对象的任何一个数据成员。mutable在处理“bitwise - constness 限制” 问题时是一个很好的方案,但它被加入到c++标准中的时间不长,所以有的编译器可能还不支持它。explicit表示必须显示的调用该函数。
3.void including more times?#ndef#define
等价于#progma once
4? .struct???????????????????????????? #pragma pack(pop, n)struct Employee{?char cName[5];?short? nAge;??????? float? dSalary;?bool? bMarried;};sizeof(Employee) depends on struct member alignment. Default is 4 bytes alignment. sizeof(Employee) = 162 bytes data wants to start from even address, 4 bytes data wants to start from address that is 4 times, 1 byte data can start from any address我们可以用以下改变默认的对齐方式。#pragma pack(pop, n)
5。enum :It can define a set of const values.
6。In fact, C++ compiler creates a global function for each member function, and add another parameter whose type is our class.
7。constructor?? ※?? deconstructor
Copy Constructor??Copy constructor is a constructor that has a parameter whose type is class reference.?and the class reference is const.eg:CRectangle( const CRectangle other)eg:?? CComplex a;?? CComplex b=a; // Copy constructor is invoked?? b=a; //Assignment operator is invoked
Converting Constructor?一般定义位explicit函数,必须被显示的调用
8。const in class
? 4 cases in a class?const int member;只能在初始化列表里进行初始化?int funct( const int nFactor,…);参数位常熟,在函数种不可被修改?const
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