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精品论文 参考文献 AFP与CA199、CA125联合检测在诊治原发性肝癌中的意义 易春生 黄泽亮 周波 廖东承 余鹏飞(湖南省怀化市第二人民医院 418000)      【摘要】目的 分析比较原发性肝细胞癌(hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC)患者血清AFP、CA199、CA125水平,找出它们之间的相关性。方法 选择2007年3月~2013年10月在我院肝胆外科、肿瘤科治疗的138例HCC患者,及同院内科、传染科治疗的50例肝硬化、乙型肝炎患者和100名健康体检者,用化学发光法对血清AFP、CA199、CA125进行检测和比较分析。结果 138例HCC患者AFP阳性率73.9%、CA199阳性率69.6%、CA125阳性率65.2%;AFP阴性的HCC患者中,CA199和CA125有较高的阳性率,经手术治疗后,均明显降低,经放化疗,有些升高,有些降低。结论 AFP与CA199、CA125联合检测,可明显提高HCC阳性诊断率,特别对AFP阴性的HCC患者,检测CA199、CA125不仅可作为诊断的参考指标,而且可作???疗效观察,预后评估和复发监测的重要指标。   【关键词】HCC CA199 CA125 AFP   【中图分类号】R735.7 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-5085(2013)49-0021-02   Significances of Combined detection of AFP, CA199 and CA125 in primary hepatoma diagnosis YI Chunsheng , HUANG Zeliang , ZHOU Bo , SUN Weihua , LIAO Dongcheng , YU Pengfei (Second Peoplersquo;s Hospital of Huaihua, Hunan 418000, China)   【Abstract】 Objective Through analysis and comparison of AFP , CA199, CA125 level in serum of primary hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients, to identify the correlation between them. Methods A total of 138 serum samples from HCC patients of Hepatobiliary and Oncology , 50 serum samples from patients with Cirrhosis and Hepatitis B from Medicine department and infectious department and 100 serum samples of healthy people were obtained from March 2007 to October 2007. All samples were detected and compared by using chemiluminescence. Results In 138 serum samples from HCC patients, AFP showed 73.9% of positive rate, CA199 showed 69.9% of positive rate, CA125 showed 65.2% of positive rate. In serum samples of AFP -negative HCC patients, CA199 and CA125 had a higher positive rate. After surgery, they were significantly reduced. After chemotherapy, some were elevated and some were reduced. Conclusion Combined detection of AFP , CA199 and CA125 can significantly improve the diagnostic yield of positive HCC. Especially for AFP -negative HCC patients, detection of CA199 and CA125 can not


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