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价格谈判句子大全 一,? ? ? ? 首先要确定定价的基础 1) 为了给你一个最好的价格,我需要知道更多的信息,请填写一下我发给你的文件 For give you a best price, I need more details information of your requirements! 2)o a certain extent,our price depends on the quality, which one you want to have. 在某种程度上,我们的价格就要看你要的质量。 ? ? 如数量,认证,插头,包装,FOB地点, (一),询问订货数量 1,To a certain extent,our price depends on how large your order is.? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?在某种程度上,我们的价格就得看你们的定单有多大。 2, Would you tell us what quantity you require so that we can work out the offer?为了便于我方提出报价,能否请你谈谈你方需求数量? 3, 我想知道你想要多少件,这样我们就能报给你一个最好的报价 ??We want to know how many pieces you need so we can quote you a best price. 4, Could you tell us how many containers you will buy a year? ? ???你能告诉我们一年你会买多少吗? 5,We can not offer you a best price quote if we don’t know your quantity. 如果我们不知道数量,我们无法给你提供报价 (二),准备销售到那个国家呢?对于我们的产品的认证你有什么要求吗? Which country you will sell? 1,那个国家是你的目标市场? 1, Which country will you export? (末)??(闰月那个国家凑拿铁) 2, Which certification (认证;测量人体如果我caT4) shall we need when we export to Brazil?(末证实) (三),询问配置,插头,包装? 1, 你们用什么插头。 Which kind of plug do you adopt? 2,用BS插头要加四块??add more 4 RMB If you need BS plug 3,Will you please tell us the specifications, quantity and packing you want, so that we can work out the offer ASAP. 请告诉我们贵方对规格、数量及包装的要求,以便我方尽快制定出报价。 4, We shall be glad to give you our lowest quotations upon receipt of your detailed requirements. 我们很高兴在接到你的具体要求时给你一个最低价格。 四,客户可能会说的有关价格方面的句子 1.Can you make it a little cheaper? =Can you come down a little? =Can you reduce the price? 你能不能算便宜一点? 如何回答: 1, could you give us your target price? 你能给我你的目标价吗? 2,I have to check and talk to my manager in details and we have? ? ? ?? ?to recalculate the cost to see if we still have any room for you. ? ?? ?我要和经理检查和讨论一下细节,重新计算成本 3,1,My offer was based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculations.   我的报价以合理利润为依据,不是漫天要价。 4,suppose your order comes to $20000, we will give you a 3% 五,客户说别的厂价格比较低。 1,? ? ? ? USD 4.8 is our bott


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