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Another American way美国的另一条道路(美国医疗改革)The success of Kaiser Permanente, an integrated American health-care firm, offers lessons for insurers and hospitals at home and abroadKaiser Permanente的成功,一个综合性的保健服务公司,给保险公司和国内外医疗机构以启示Apr 29th 2010 | OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA | From The Economist print editionON A recent trip to America, Nicolas Sarkozy, France’s president, could not resist the temptation to needle his hosts. Just before the visit his American counterpart, Barack Obama, had secured Congressional approval of a plan for a dramatic expansion of the country’s health-insurance market. Observing that America is the only wealthy country to lack universal health coverage, Mr Sarkozy sniffed: “Welcome to the club of states who don’t turn their back on the sick and the poor.”在最近的一次美国之旅,法国总统尼古拉?萨科齐用语言刺激了美国。就在访问美国总统奥巴马之前,国家健康保险市场巨大扩展的方案才被国会批准并确立。通过观察发现,美国是唯一一个缺少大量医疗覆盖的富裕国家。PS:萨科齐29号在纽约哥伦比亚大学发表演讲,告诫美国不要“独霸世界”。他说,“21世纪没有任何一个国家可以独霸世界”,要求美国实施经济改革,敦促美国加入欧洲行列“制定今后经济发展的规则”。萨科齐坦言,欧洲对美国的自由市场制度持怀疑态度,希望美国进一步采取行动,制定新的全球性金融监管制度,以有效防止再次出现金融危机的威胁。对于奥巴马政府来之不易的医疗改革,萨科齐也不无讥讽地说,法国早在半个世纪以前就已解决医保问题。Europeans have long thumbed their noses at America’s bloated health-care system. It is true that parts of it are convoluted, cruel and much too costly. But Sir Richard Feachem, a health expert and the former boss of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, argues that such a view ignores “nuggets of good practice”. The best such nugget, he reckons, is Kaiser Permanente (KP), a not-for-profit health insurer and hospital chain which last year took in $2 billion more than the $40 billion it spent. 欧洲人长期以来蔑视美国日益膨胀的医疗保障系统。这个系统有些复杂,残忍,太昂贵倒是真的。但是抗击艾滋病、结核病和疟疾全球基金会前会长,医学专家理查?费科姆争论到现在的情形忽略了有价值的优秀医疗机构,最好的一个医疗结构凯泽永久医疗集团(Kaiser Permanente) 这个非营利健康保险商-医疗集团相比在去年支出了400亿美元的情况下净盈余20亿美元。PS:thumb one’s nose at sb. 把手指放在鼻尖上表示轻蔑的手势For the most part, the American health system is dominated by cream-skimming health insurers and the myriad “fee for service” providers they do business with, which drive up costs by ch


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