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六年级毕业复习资料(四)——文化板块五年级文化常识Coffee is popular in western countries. Tea is popular in China.咖啡在西方国家很流行。茶在中国很流行。2、In the UK, this is the ground floor. In the US, this is the first floor. 在英国,一楼是 the ground floor,二楼才是 the first floor. 在美国,一楼是 the first floor.You can see pandas in China. You can see bald eagles in the US.You can see polar bears in Canada. You can see kangaroos in Australia.你可以在中国看见熊猫。你可以在美国看见白头秃鹰。你可以在加拿大看见北极熊。 你可以在澳大利亚看见袋鼠4、In the US, we call a policeman a “cop”. In the UK, we call a firefighter a “fireman”在美国,我们叫警察为“cop”. 在英国,我们叫消防员为“fireman”5、We write Chinese addresses like this . We write English addresses like this.6、Basketball is very popular in the US. Football is very popular in the UK. Table tennis is very popular in China.篮球在美国和流行。足球在英国很流行。乒乓球在中国很流行。7、I like reading fairy tables. I like reading stories about the monkey King and Nezha.我喜欢读童话故事。我喜欢读美猴王和哪吒的故事。8、In the UK, we ask “Where’s the toilet?” In the US, we ask “Where’s the restroom?”在英国,我们问“厕所(toilet)在哪里?”在美国,我们问“洗手间(restroom)在哪里?”9、You have a fever .Your temperature is 102??F. 102? It’s 39??C. 你发烧了,你的温度是102华氏度,39摄氏度。10、I eat with chopsticks. I eat with a knife and fork. 杨玲说:我用筷子吃。 麦克说:我用刀叉吃。11、Halloween is on the thirty-first of October. Children usually dress up. They knock on people’s doors and shout “Trick or treat” for sweets.万圣节是在10月31日。孩子们通常乔装打扮。他们敲人们的门,并大声喊叫“不给糖就使坏”12、People in the west usually open their presents as soon as they receive them在西方国家的人们通常一收到礼物就把他们打开。六年级文化常识An American cowboy wears jeans. A Scottish man wears kilts. 美国牛仔穿牛仔裤。苏格兰男人穿苏格兰格尼裙。(这是他们有特色的民族服装)There are three main school holidays in the UK. They are the Easter holiday, the summer holiday and the Christmas holiday. 在英国有三个主要的学校假期,他们是复活节(在每年春分3月21日月圆之后第一个星期日)假期,暑假和圣诞节假期(12.25)。Halloween is on the thirty-first of October. 万圣节在10月31日,为西方的鬼节。人们wear masks, make pumpkin lanterns, play a game called “trick or treat”(不招待就使坏)。The Americans invented the aeroplane. The British invented the train. 美国人发明了滑翔机,英国人发明了火车。In the U


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