《走出牛津》1—Unit 6, Charm of Arts.ppt

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《走出牛津》1—Unit 6, Charm of Arts

Unit 6 Charm of Arts Objectives 1. To learn about types of movies and Oscar Award. 2. Learn to make a welcome speech and write poster. 3. Guide the students to enjoy some beautiful movies. 4. Try to master some useful expressions Movies Step 1: Review Step 2: Warm-up Step 3: Listening (Part 2-4) Step 4: Questionnaire. Step 5: Reading (Part 6) Step 6: Poster writing Step 7: Homework Step 1: Review Check answers to the exercises of grammar points. Get one or two Ss to recite the passage of ‘Hunting for Accommodation’. Step 2: Warm-up Match the pictures with movies styles, and tell them more about American movies styles: horror, action-adventure, suspense-thriller, romance-tragedy, romance-comedy, documentary, animated, westerns, … Get some Ss to tell the summary of those movies mentioned/shown in the pictures. Step 3: Listening Listen and complete the exercises. Language points. frighten sb. to death miss the point childish – childlike Listen and repeat, imitating. Summarize retell the materials Step 4: Questionnaire. Work in pairs. Get as many questions as possible about movies to ask your partner. Then ask another one. Step 5: Reading (Part 6) Read the passage and do the exercises. Questions: what do you know about Oscar Award? (origin、history and some anecdotes of Oscar Award) Get some Ss to tell in class. Read aloud, checking their pronunciation and intonation. Step 6: Poster writing Format analysis: Two kinds of poster: in letter; in list Main parts/points: little, body (what, who, when, where, how), close (date, sponsor (can be omitted)). Sample analysis. Practice: write a poster according to the Chinese direction. Step 7: Homework Write a poster according to the Chinese direction: 海报 为了提高英语口语表达能力,学生会决定在07级新生中举行一次英语演讲赛。届时将邀请英语系7位教授担任评委。有意参赛的同学请尽快到各班班长处报名。比赛时间定为12月3日。欢迎广大师生光临指导。 海南外国语职业学院学生会 2007.11.20 Comics Step 8: Homework checking Step 9: Story-telling (Part 1) Step 10: Listening (Part 2-3) Step 11: Reading (Part 4)



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