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海洲讲坛高三语文+英语 海洲讲坛?高三英语导学案?参考答案 (2010年2月) 第一讲 句子的基本结构 A. ABCAD B. 1. hero 2. happened 3. keep 4. occurred 5. It C. 1. 这部电影有可能在巴黎国际电影节上提名吗? 2. 还有一个重要问题要厂长亲自解决。 3. 看来我们得要在起飞前两小时赶到机场了。 4. 图书馆对面有一座高大的建筑——体育馆。 5. What ever will become of Sam at his wife’s death? 6. Robson strongly objected to the terms of the contract. 7. He must have been driving 100 kilometers an hour. 8. He called to tell me about the meeting being delayed. D.1. 由于恶劣天气的缘故,我们一整个星期都呆在室内。 2. 天看上去是那么的高旷,说明没有风暴。 3. 我在黑暗中摸了摸它,感觉有些毛茸茸的,我似乎觉得安全了些。 4. 长途搭乘朋友的车辆,主动承担一定的费用,已经成了惯例。 5. 看来,在一个月内掌握一门语言是不可能的。 6. 看来再坚持这个计划没有多少益处了。 7. 我们的努力为什么都没成功?这仍是个不解之谜。 E. 1. You couldn’t read the mind of the strange girl. 2. Can you find out the difference between the twins? (find out) 3. Uncle patted me on the back with a smile. 4. They have decided to hold a party in celebration of their boy’s 10th birthday. 5. 非常感谢您能光临小儿的婚礼。 6. 昨天有人出价450,000元买这栋房子。 7. 他父亲帮他克服了打电子游戏的不良习惯。 8. 你拥有获取成功所需要的耐心和毅力。 F.1. What (use) can we make of the invention to improve our life? What can we make full use of to improve our life? 2. It was great difficulty that they had in getting the fire under control. It was in getting the fire under control that they had great difficulty. 3. Much care has been taken of the old man in the past two years. The old man has been taken much care of in the pas two years. 4. The efforts that they made to support their daughter to university have already paid off. They made every effort, which has already paid off, to support their daughter to university. G. ADBAC H. 1. was supposed 2. what I am 3. seated/sitting 4. taken off 5. worth considering 6. makes it possible 7. to have developed 第二讲 定语从句(一) A. 改错:1. when→where 2. where→which 3. where→which 4. the one→the one where 5. that→where 6. that→when B.单项选择:ADBDD AA C. 翻译 1. 这幢房子很漂亮,是我们上个月买的。 2. 我们上个月买的那幅房子很漂亮。 3. 你认识上周救了我妹妹的那个男孩吗? 4. 你认识那个男孩吗?他上周救了我妹妹。 5. 他们要求民权。为了这个民权,他们已经奋斗了几百年。 6. 在几乎所有发展中国家,经济的发展取决于出口贸易,而对外贸易转而又创造就业机会,提高生活水平。 D. 改错: 1. 删除but或whom→them



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