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JOURNAL OF EN GINEERIN G MATHEMATICS Article ID :100523085 (2003) 0120082205 Convergence Properties of Conjugate Ξ Gra dient Methods L IAN Shu2jun1 ,2 , WANG Chang2yu1 ,2 , L I J i2bao2 (12Department of Applied Mathematics , Dalian University of Technology , Liaoning 116024 ; 22Academy of Mathematics Sciences , Qufu Normal University , Shandong 273165) Abstract : The global convergence is considered for any conjugate gradient method of the form d1 = - g1 , dk = - gk + βk dk - 1 ( k Ε 2) with anyβk connected withβk , and with the strong Wolfe line search conditions. The suffi2 PR cient descent property and the global convergence are proved for this method , without assuming the convexity of the objective function. Key words : conjugate gradient method ; strong Wolfe line search ; global convergence Classif ication : AMS(2000) 90C25 CLC number : O221. 2 Document code : A 1 Introduction Conjugate gradient methods are very useful for minimizing a smooth function of n variable , minf ( x) x ∈Rn Especially if n is large . They are of the following form = xk + λk dk (1) xk + 1 - - gk , for for k = 1 k Ε 2 dk = (2) + βk dk - 1 , gk gk = A f ( xk ) , βk is a scalar and λk is a step size obtained by means of a one2dimensional Where search. Well2known formulae for βk are called the Fletcher2Reeves ( FR) , Polak2Ribiere2Polyak ( PRP) , and Hestenes2Stiefel ( HS) formulas , which are gieven respectively by βFR 2 2 = ‖gk ‖ /‖gk - 1 ‖ (3) (4) k βPR T 2 = [ g k ( gk - gk - 1 ) ] /‖gk - 1 ‖ k βHS = [ gT ( g - g ) ] /[ dT ( g - g ) ] (5) k k k k - 1 k - 1 k k - 1 Gilbert and Nocedal1 investigated the convergent properties of the Polak2Ribiére method. They con2 sidered the case whereβPR 0 for all sufficiently large k , and showed that the global convergence hol2 k ds provided that the line search has the following properties : ( I) it satisfies the strong Wolfe conditions : T f ( xk ) - f ( xk +


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