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CHAPER 24 NEO-CONFUCIANISM:THE BEGINNING OF THE TWO SCHOOLS ? 第二十四章 新儒家:两个学派的开端Neo-CONFUCIANISM came to be divided into two main schools, which, by happy coincidence, were initiated by two brothers, known as the two Cheng Masters. Cheng Yi (1033-1108), the younger brother, initiated a school which was completed by Chu Hsi (1130-1200) and was known as the Cheng-Chu school or Li hsüeh (School of Laws or Principles). Cheng Hao (1032-1085), the elder brother, initiated another school which was continued by Lu Chiu-yüan(1139-1193) and completed by Wang Shou-jen (1472-1528), and was known as the Lu-Wang school or Hsin hsüeh(School of Mind). The full significance of the difference between the two schools was not recognized at the time of the two Cheng Masters themselves, but Chu Hsi and Lu Chiu-yuan began a great controversy which has been carried on until the present day.新儒家接着分成两个主要的学派,真是喜人的巧合,这两个学派竟是兄弟二人开创的,他们号称“二程”。弟弟程颐(1033—1108年)开创的学派,由朱熹(1130—1200年)完成,称为程朱学派,或“理学”。哥哥程颢(1032—1085年)开创的另一个学派,由陆九渊(1139—1193年)继续,王守仁(1473一1529年)完成,称为陆王学派,或“心学”。在二程的时代,还没有充分认识这两个学派不同的意义,但是到了朱熹和陆九渊就开始了一场大论战,一直继续到今天。As we shall see in the following chapters, the main issue between the two groups was really one of fundamental philosophical importance. In terms of Western philosophy, it was one as to whether the laws of nature are or are not legislated by the mind or Mind. That has been the issue between Platonic realism and Kantian idealism,and may be said to be the issue in metaphysics. If it were solved,there would not be much other controversy left. In this chapter I am not going to discuss this issue in detail, but only to suggest its beginnings in the history of Chinese philosophy.在以下几章我们会看出,两个学派争论的主题,确实是一个带有根本重要性的哲学问题。用西方哲学的术语来说,这个问题是,自然界的规律是不是人心(或宇宙的心)创制的。这历来是柏拉图式的实在论与康德式的观念论争论的主题,简直可以说,形上学中争论的就是这个主题。这个问题若是解决了,其他一切问题都迎刃而解。这一章我不打算详细讨论这个争论的主题,只是提示一下它在中国哲学史中的开端。Cheng Haos Idea of JenThe Cheng brothers were natives of the present Honan province. The elder of them, cheng Hao, was