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Chapter I Die shoulder corresponding position crack Although the formation of a bulging shape, when a small amount of material at the inflow, rd due in part to be straight and bend and change in the cracks. (1) Die fillet radius is too small (rd). ???Bulging and deformation of the main processing a small amount of material flows, if rd is too small, as straight and bend and change in work-hardening, then rd often occurred near the part of the breakdown. ???The first to seriously rd Department of grinding, if still a rupture on the appropriate increase rd. (2) Pressure-lap adjusted well. ???When rd smaller, and BHF-off hours, a small flange part of the crease, often in the latter part of the processing rd part of a rupture. Generally speaking, the more BHF can be solved. (3) Die fillet radius (rd) processing bad. ???If the die fillet radius processing bad, when the products will be drawing abrasions, while the latter part of the processing, die in a radius of the fillet will take place rupture. Elimination of grinding wheel is moving along the direction of grinding. (4) Drawbead function well. ???If drawbead bad shape and BHF also weak, in the process as long as the latter part of a small amount of material flow, often rupture occurred. If we do not change drawbead shape, it is necessary to increase the BHF. Figure 1-1 shows, this phenomenon rupture in the very near rd position. ?? (1) Die fillet radius rd too small. ??? As a result of this defect arising from rd too small occasions, it would be appropriate to increase the value rd. If rd is the size requirements of the drawings, first using standard rd value drawing, and then an increase in shaping process. Figure 1-1 Near the site of the rupture rd (2) Wrinkling caused by the rupture. If BHF is too small, will be in the flange of the wrinkle, in part if not controlling rd wrinkling, rp or rd on the part of a rupture. In particular, is too small rd, when BHF-hour, focused on the breakdown occu


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