
结晶学 chap3_symm_gp1.ppt

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结晶学 chap3_symm_gp1

= ? n ? basic sym derived sym P6mm 6mm Hexagonal P6mm Patterson symmetry P6mm P6mm P ? C F ? I [ det ] ? 2 [ det ] ? 2 PT ? R ( Trigonal ? Rhombohedral Cell ) [ det ] ? 3 R (0, 0, 0) ; (2/3, 1/3, 1/3) ; (1/3, 2/3, 2/3) R (0, 0, 0) ; (1/3, 2/3, 1/3) ; (2/3, 1/3, 2/3) [ det ] ? 3 * Symmetry in two-dimension? 2D unit cell Periodicity in 3-dim. – smallest repeated unit ? unit cell Symmetry in two-dimension Symmetry elements Periodicity in 3-dimetions ---Smallest repeated Unit --- Unit cell Symmetry elements, symbols, matrix representation: Basic symmetry elements ☆ proper rotation Cn → n; symbol in ‘point group → space group’ e.g. 4 z To suit inside a repeated unit in the space 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 fold matrix representation ☆ mirror planes ?v, ?h, ?d --- m (a, b, c, d, n) ☆ center of symmetry ☆ translation along edges of the cell by fractions of the edge length ☆ improper rot. s → ☆ screw axis rot. + tr. ☆ glide planes m + tr along a, b, c, diagonal, ? a, b, c, n, d ☆ translation along edges of the cell by fractions of the edge length + tr along c ? ? Derived Symmetry within the lattice Unit cell or crystal lattice formed by 3-non-planar vectors Limitation of symmetry by periodicity t t ? ? n ? t t Lattice Centering --- Pure translational rot: + translation Lattice Centering – pure translational P ? I ? A ? B ? C ? F ? R ? P I, A, B, C R 4 F a ? b ? c , ? ? ? ? ? ? 90? 23 Cubic P , I , F a ? b ? c , ? ? ? ? 90? , ? ? 120?, V a’ ? b’ ? c’ , ?’ ? ?’ ? ?’ ? 90?, V’ = 1/3V 3m 3 3 Trigonal Rhombohedral P R a ? b ? c , ? ? ? ? 90? , ? ? 120? 6 Hexagonal P a ? b ? c , ? ? ? ? ? ? 90? 4 Tetragonal P , I a ? b ? c , ? ? ? ? ? ? 90? 222 Orthorhombic P , I , F , B a ? b ? c , ? ? ? ? 90? 2 Monoclinic P , I a ? b ? c , ? ? ? ? ? ? 90? 1 Triclinic P Cell parameters Max. sym. Min. sym. Crystal system Lattice centering Unit cell classifications Diads (rotation and/or inversion) along (110) axes (110) Triads (rotation and/or inversion) along (111) axes (111


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