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摘 要 随着计算机技术飞速的发展,数字化已经渗透到到各行业中。信息传媒比如电视、广播、报纸在社会生活中起着举足轻重的作用。在数字化大潮中,这些行业也不可避免地发生着巨大的变化。电脑代替着纸和笔,排版系统系统代替着铅字。硬盘播放正代替着磁带机,录像机等等。 数字音频广播((DAB)是广播事业的一次深刻革命。它用数字化的设备代替了以前广播采用的模拟设备,并用数字信号广播代替了模拟信号广播。数字音频广播(DAB)从产生起,就随着数字技术的最新发展而不断地发展着,数字技术的每一次进步都推动着数字音频广播(DAB)的不断变革,不但充实DAB的内容,而且给它拓展着新的发展方向。 本文主要是对基于IP传输的数字音频广播在传输问题的讨论,因为在各种传输协议中, TCP延迟太大,所以采用RTP/RTCP作为传输协议,RTP/RTCP是为支持实时多媒体通信而设计的,典型的RTP应用基于UDP之上,它们共同完成传输层功能。 关键词:数字音频广播,传输控制协Abstract With the rapid development of computer technology,digitalization has been widely used in all kinds of areas. Information medias, such as television, radio, newspapers play a pivotal role in social life. Because of the wide spreading of digitalization, these industries will inevitably undergoing tremendous changes, for example paper and pens has been took place by PC, typesetting system was replaced by computer, and tape players and VCRs were replaced by hard disk players, and so on. Digital Audio Broadcasting ((DAB) is one of profound revolutions in broadcasting. It is using digital equipments to replace the previous analog equipments, and using digital signals broadcasting to replace the previous analogy signals broadcasting. From the beginning, Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) developed as the developing of digital technology. Digital audio broadcasting (DAB) will make great development every time when digital technology made great progress, which not only enriched and amplified the functions and services of DAB, but also expand a new direction for the development of digital technology.   The present article is mainly discussed the problems existed in using of digital audio-broadcasting based on IP transmission, since among the various transmission protocols, TCP delay too much. RTP/RTCP was designed for the supporting real-time multimedia communications, so RTP / RTCP was used as a transmission agreement. Typically RTP’s applications were based on UDP, and they work together to complete their functions of transporting layers. Keywo


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