奥美360 Degrees Brand Cascade June 30th-July1st Shanghai003.ppt

奥美360 Degrees Brand Cascade June 30th-July1st Shanghai003.ppt

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奥美360 Degrees Brand Cascade June 30th-July1st Shanghai003

360 Degrees Brand Cascade June 30th- July1st Shanghai Do You Feel That You Are……. 你是否觉得你是…... In the right industry? 在一个正确的行业工作? With the right agency? 在一个正确的公司工作? At the right time? 在正确的时间? Individual Pre-session Exercise: Framing the Agenda 个人练习: Based on what you know now about 360 Degree Branding, write down on the card what you believe to be the three key issues we need to address to be successful 基于你对360度品牌管理的了解,在卡片上写下你认为带来成功的三个主要观点 An issue is something we have to do something about 观点是一些我们必须要做的事情, 它包含 An opportunity 机会 A problem 问题 A balance we need to make between two or more things在几件事情之间我们需要做的平衡 Agenda 议程 Introduction- the why and the what 为什么会有360度,什么是360度 The How- four parts of 360 thinking 如何运用 (360度思考的四个部分) Challenge 挑战 Brand Print 品牌写真 Idea 想法 Brand World 品牌世界 Why 360 Degree Branding? 为什么产生360度品牌管理? Worldwide Task Force Report: Two Years Ago We operate in silos 我们在井中作业 Our business is being pushed downstream 我们的事业正走向下游 Management consultancy threat with CEO level contacts 管理顾问公司威胁到CEO层面的接触 Needs需求 We are in the knowledge business 我们处在一个需要知识的行业 We need more knowledge 我们需要更多的知识 We are in the ideas business 我们处在一个需要想法的行业 We need more ideas 我们需要更多的想法 We are in the brand business 我们处在一个建立品牌的行业 We need more influence on the total brand 我们需要在整个品牌上有更多的影响力 What Sort of Company Do We Want to Be? 我们希望成为一个怎样的公司? The Unlimited Brand Company 无限品牌公司 Unlimited We cross disciplines in a 360 Degree way 通过360度思考跨越专业 We cross borders 跨越边界 We challenge barriers 挑战障碍 We take it all the way through 我们全方位运用 Insight...Ideas ...Execution ...Evaluation 洞察…IDEA…执行…评估 We build the brand to its full potential 我们将品牌建立至极限 Since That Initial Task Force: Worldwide Absorb philosophy 吸收哲学 Period of debate - keep individual disciplines 保持独立的原则 Experiments on how to work together differently 尝试如何共同协作 Gains on key accounts 来自重要客户



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