新世纪英语Unit 3 Foreign Language Learning.ppt

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新世纪英语Unit 3 Foreign Language Learning

Unit 3 Foreign Language Learning Why there are changes in English? To make language more respectful to people of both genders. To adapt to the tremendous changes that have taken place in the world. To adopt new words from other cultures to make the English language more complete. Using English correctly or properly? To use English correctly: Use the language to speak out people’s ideas. To use English properly: Know what to say in different situations; Choose the most appropriate words for different subjects; Know which words are taboos that should be strictly avoided. offend= to make someone feel angry or upset n. offence I hope you won’t be offended if I leave early. offend sb. I’m sorry; have I done something to offend you? take offence= to feel offended because of sth. or someone has said or done She is always quick to take offence. call out= to say sth. loudly Call out the numbers so that we can hear them at the back. call off= cancel There is no rush now—the game has been called off. call for= to demand Being a teacher calls for great patience. call in= to ask someone to come Police have been called in to help find missing Sandra. call on sb.= call at sp. call on sb. to do sth. = to formally ask sb. to do sth. so, neither --I’m impressed by his dancing. --So am I. --I can’t tell English from German. -- Neither can I. --He studies hard. --So he does. 1. –Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother? --I don’t know, __________. A. nor don’t I care B. nor do I care C. I don’t care neither D. I don’t care also. Correct answer: B 2. Do you know Tony bought a new Japanese car? I do know about it, ________. A. nor don’t Tom know B. so does Tom C. Tom doesn’t know, neither D. Tom does know also Correct answer: B 4. Mary never does any reading in the evening, __________. A. so does John B. John does too C. John doesn’t too D. nor does John Correct answer: D attempt n. make no attempt in an attempt to do sth. v. attempt to do sth. All attempts to


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