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科教兴农的具体做法及成就 陆圈镇 程爱中 摘要: 科学技术是第一生产力,科学技术的进步能够突破资源约束,带动经济增长,我国农村经济发展、农业增长方式转变、农民增收都急需科技的强力支持。农业科技是现代农业发展的重要推动力,但我国农业科技创新能力低下导致我国农业农村经济发展十分缓慢,因此,应该要增加农业科技的有效供给,加大科技攻关、强化技术推广,紧紧依靠农业科技进步,依靠农业科技创新,这是长期确保农产品有效供给的基础支撑,是突破资源环境约束的必然选择。总之,让农业科技来支撑农业发展,科技兴农兴村,促进农民增收,这是我国现代化农业发展的必然也是现实之选择。 关键词:科技创新 科技攻关 技术推广 Analysis of the scientific and technological agriculture Abstract: Science and technology are the primary productive forces, so the progress of science and technology can break through the constraints of resources and promote economic growth. Economic development of Chinas rural area, convertion of agricultural growth pattern, farmers income’s increase are all in urgent need of the support of science and technology. Agricultural science and technology is an important impetus for the development of modern agriculture, but it is the weak capability of innovation of China’s agricultural science and technology that lead to its especially slow development. So it should be the foundation to ensure the effective supply of agricultural products in a long time and the inevitable choice of the breakthrough in resource and environmental constraints to increase the effective supply of agricultural science and technology, increase scientific and technological research, and strengthen the promotion of technology, closely rely on the agricultural science and technology and the innovation of agricultural science and technology. In short, it is an essential choice to the modern agricultural development in China as well as the present society to enable agricultural science and technology to support agricultural development and to increase farmers income. Keywords: technological innovation, scientific and technological promotion 目录 前言 1 1 科技打破资源约束的经济学解释 2 1.1 马克思主义的观点 2 1.2 西方学者的观点 3 2 发达国家的经验借鉴 4 2.1 沙漠之国以色列的高科技农业 4 2.2 高度集约化和市场化的荷兰农业 5 2.3 日本的现代化农业 5 3 基于科技支撑农业发展的对策思考 6 3.1 强化科技攻关, 大力发展农业科技 6 3.1.1 大幅度增加农业科研投入 6 3.1.2 重视农业科技人才队伍建设 7 3.1.3 探索农业科技发展道路,正确选择适合国情的农业技术类型 8 3.1.4 充分发挥地方高校和科研机


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