八年级上册英语课件:8A Unit7 Seasons-Revision (共22张PPT).ppt

八年级上册英语课件:8A Unit7 Seasons-Revision (共22张PPT).ppt

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八年级上册英语课件:8A Unit7 Seasons-Revision (共22张PPT)

Revision of Unit Seven Seasons 词组回顾 1.把某东西拿来给某人 2.某人穿什么衣服好看 3.充满 4.放风筝的极好的时间 5.那些甜美的记忆 6.变成棕色 7.收割庄稼 8.降到零度以下 9.把我叫醒 10.从早到晚 11.踢球 12.得了重感冒 bring sb.sth/ bring sth.to sb sb look(s) good in be full of / be filled with a perfect time to fly kites those sweet memories turn brown harvest crops drop/fall below zero wake me up from morning till night kick the ball catch a bad cold 13.发高烧 14.带我去医院 15.糟糕的一天 16.转阴 17.在三十多度 18.本周的剩余时间 19.最低温度 20.保持在零度以上 21.在每年的这段时间 22.有点冷 23.大声说话 have a high fever take me to the hospital an awful day turn cloudy in the thirties the rest of the week the lowest temperature stay above zero during the time of year a bit /a little cold speak loud 24.给某人打电话 25.当心 / 珍重 26.用围巾遮住脸 27.使某人看起来滑稽 28.突如其来的大雨 29.一年中最好的季节 30.打雪仗 31.互扔雪球 32. 堆雪人 ring/ call sb. take care cover face with a scarf make sb. look funny a sudden heavy rain the best season of the year have snowball fights throw snowballs at each other make snowmen 用合适的单词完成句子: 1.The sun is shining brightly. What a (sun) day. 2. There are more traffic accidents on_________ (fog) days. 3. The boy looks very _________(fun) when he makes faces. 4. I was late for school because of __________( get) up late. 5. How many___________ ( 季节) are there in a year? It will be winter________ ( one) again, but I hate winter. 7. There are many butterflies_____ ( play) among the flowers. 8.________ ( eat) ice cream is good thing for us students. 9. The__________ (温度 ) will be around 9c°during the day. 10. The wind is____________ ( blow) hard outside. 11.______________ ( sudden) , I heard a strange noise. 12. The hot weather makes people feel__________ ( sleep). 13. Mr Wang_______ ( ring ) me yesterday evening. sunny foggy funny getting seasons once playing Eating temperature blowing Suddenly sleepy rang 重点句型 1.我敢说你不穿衣服看上去酷而且感觉凉爽。 2.你最喜欢哪个季节? 3.这是在外面踢足球的最佳时期。 4. 冬天的日子充满雪。 5. 篮子里装满了苹果。 6. 为了找到温暖而晴朗的日子,鸟儿飞向远方。 7.白天变短了,


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