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Data Discovery and Protection 的覆盖范围 扫描对象– “Find It” 文件服务器 文档和Email仓库 Web内容和应用程序 数据库 扫描管理 – “Find It Fast” 任务扫描 增量扫描 任务扫描的窗口控制 强行中止扫描 事件纠正– “Fix It” 事件中匹配的次数统计 文件详情(日期,作者) 访问控制详情 自动保护:拷贝,移动,加密,隔离等 *Generic SQL scanner can be reconfigured to scan any standard SQL database UNIX via NFS Local Windows Windows via CIFS File Servers Novell NAS Filers Local UNIX (Linux, AIX, and Solaris) Lotus Notes Documentum SharePoint Microsoft Exchange LiveLink Intranet Extranet Corporate Web Sites Custom Applications Microsoft IBM DB2 Oracle Sybase Scan Target Document and Email Repositories Web Content and Applications Databases* Vontu: The Choice of Market Leaders Thank You Symantec?and Symantec Vision are registered trademarks of Symantec in the U.S. and in other countries.?The other company names or products mentioned are or may be trademarks of their respective owners. * Objective of Slide Tell ‘em what you are going to tell ‘em Get agreement on objectives for meeting Script Thank you, introductions, etc. Today I’d like to get a deeper understanding of you security, privacy, and data protection priorities. We’ll share with you some of our experiences working with Global companies and large government agencies, discuss the practices they have put in place to prevent data loss, we will share a product demo, and determine appropriate next steps. What else would you like to cover? Any other objectives for the meeting? * Today just about anybody can share, access and distribute information in unlimited volumes, and organizations have come to depend on that fact which means that now, securing the network is no longer enough. Were here to tell you that its time to secure the data itself. * HIPAA:健康保险便利及责任法案(HIPAA) HIPAA,全称为:Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act/1996,Public Law 104-19,尚没有确切的正式中文名称,国内文献一般直接称为HIPAA法案,有的称为:健康保险携带和责任法案,也有取其意的:医疗电子交换法案;台湾有文献翻译为:義務型可攜帶式健康保險法案(参考来源)。其目的是:Administrative Simplification (简化管理),以降低日益增长的医疗费用开支。起源于1991年。 HIPAA发展历史 起源于199


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