牛津译林版初中英语八年级英语下册Unit4 A Good Read Study skills公开课课件.ppt

牛津译林版初中英语八年级英语下册Unit4 A Good Read Study skills公开课课件.ppt

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牛津译林版初中英语八年级英语下册Unit4 A Good Read Study skills公开课课件 Study skills A Good Read Who do you think is a successful writer? I was free. I went to visit the capital city. I stepped carefully over the city wall. I walked slowly through the two main streets. It used to be a busy city. There were lots of people and shops. Today the streets were empty. Where were they? They were watching me through the window. After I was free,I went to visit the capital city. I stepped carefully over the city wall and walked slowly through the two main streets. It used to be a busy city. There were lots of people and shops.but today the streets were empty. Where were they?In fact, they were watching me through the window. makes you think better To improve our writing, we can have different ways to connect the ideas in it. Transitions between ideas 连接词 Usage 作用 1.To show time 表时间 2.To show sequence文章中事件发生的时空顺序 3.To add more information表添加信息(并列,递进等) 4.To give an example表举例,解释说明 5.To show cause and effect表因果 6.To emphasize表强调 7.To compare or contrast文章意义的转折或对比 To show time To show sequence To add more information To give an example To show cause and effect To emphasize To compare or contrast Transitional words and phrases before, after, while, when at first, soon, later, … To show time 表时间 To show sequence First, second, next, then, finally… at last 表顺序 To add more information and, and then , also, too, either, again, moreover… not only…but also 添加信息,(并列,递进等) for example, such as and so on 举例说明 To show cause and effect because, since(既然), as(由于), so as a result… Therefore because of 表因果 To emphasize never, in fact… even 表强调 To compare or contrast on the one hand…on the other hand, otherwise, but, however, while, … though, although 对比或转折 Mr Chen: It’s really nice to have a beautiful modern town. _________, most of my old friends have moved away.Now I feel a bit lonely from time to time. _________, it’s good to see the amazing changes in the town. However Anyway To sum


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